Two words Hell No. It's disgusting bleh. I rather eat horse crap then see two guys making out.
This is me light Destiny Islands Main dude on game Keyblade kill the heartless. optomist yet clumsiness.
Yeah go ahead
Monolouge Sora is standing in front of Monolouge Sora:Whoo!!! It's great to be here hosting Saturday Night Live. Now as you may know me from the Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. (Audience claps) Sora: So I am the first video game person to host Saturday Night Live Not named Mario. Now.... (hears a jumping noise) What the hell is that? Suddenly a short man jumped near Sora from a wall. Mario(played by Darrell Hammond): Itsa me a-Mario. Sora:Why The hell are you here? Mario: Because-a I'm telling you not to host-a tonight. Because..... Sora: Right so you can be the first video game person to host. I am also the first Disney person to host not named Mickey Mouse. Mario: No. Because A Heartless will come. Sora: Heartless don't exist anymore. Even if they do, I still have Keyblade. Mario: I know. But this Heartless is strong. Oh No he's here. Heartless(played by Chris Kattan): Roarrrrrrr!!!! (Sora don't buy it in fact.) Sora:Yeah Yeah I know that's you Kattan. Mario paid you some money plus a account to get some women. Kattan: He's got us Mario, Mario:(Damn itt. (speaks swear words in italian.) Sora: I am not repeating what you just said. Any way we got a great show for you tonight. Utada is here. So Stick around. We'll be right back.
SNL Fans and KH Fans read this Cold Opening:Back stage Sora is backstage hanging with Will Ferrell.(A?N: I know Will Ferrell ain't on SNL anymore but let's pretend he is.) Sora: Hey Will Will: Hey Sora, It's great that you came to host SNL tonight. Sora:Ah I'm just happy to host. My heart told me to. Will: Yeah I liked Kingdom Hearts II last night. Donald and Goofy was funny. Love Axel "Got it memorized?" It's a great game. Sora: Yeah I hope to work with them in KH3. Will (thinking): Now I thought that I should've played as Leon. Not that Pansy what's his face. Sora:Well see you later Will. Will: Okay Sora (thinking): I hope he ain't whining and *****ing about the part of Leon. What a dork. His Alex Trebek impersation sucks. Jimmy Fallon: Hey Sora Sora:Hey uh uh (Damn it what's his name? Johnny? Hank? Batman?) Jimmy I haven't played 2nd game yet but I'm gonna play it after the show. Sora: I appreate it uh I gotta go. On his way to monolouge. Kairi came as audience applauds like they do to special guest. Sora:Hey Kairi, He kisses her. Kairi: Hi Sora I just wanna stay and support you since Riku ain't here. He's doing a movie in Canada. Sora: (What is it? I have more fangirls than Sora and Sora is a ****** movie) Kairi:Well I wanna let you know something. Sora: What's that? Kairi: I'm pregnant. Sora:WHAT? He dissappers. Then SNL Creator Lorne Michaels came, Lorne: Where the hell is Sora? He's on in five minutes. Then he sees Heartless and screams and runs. But Kairi hugged the Heartless knowing it was Sora then Sora came back. Sora:Kairi thank you. Are you really pregnant? Kairi: No I was just kidding. Sora: Good cause we're Live From New York it's Saturday Night, Don Pardo: It's Saturday Night Live. With: Jimmy Fallon Will Ferrell Tina Fey Darrell Hammond Chris Kattan Tracy Morgan Chris Parnell Molly Shannon Horitio Santz Musical Guest: Utada And your host: Sora Osment Ladies and Gentlemen Sora Osment. That's it for tonight. And By The Way if you watch SNL And you wanna see Sora in your favorite Skits that those guys I introduced. I might have him with that but one skit I know I'll put is Celebrity Jeopardy but which celebrity Sora imiate?
I also love Quagmire. Giggety.
His story ain't over yet.
Do you skip cutscenes or do you still watch it? I love the cutscenes. It helps us understand the story.
If I had my PS2 yes. But it broke so no. But it's the holidays.
Did you like that show? I thought it rules especillly Kel.
Yeah I did. Before KH it was one of my favorite games.
Then all of a sudden a jewel hit David as he hit unconsionous as Sora held it and asked Sonic what it is and Sonic told Sora it was a Chaos Emerald. Sora asked him "What is a Chaos Emerald?" and he told him "It's a jewel that has mystical properties and abilities, and the holder of them all can use them for a variety of purposes, including transforming into a powerful "super form". Then all of a sudden Dr. Eggman came in on his Eggmobile and stole the Emerald from Sora's hand and said "Chaos time to eat." "Chaos?" Sora asked. Then the monster they saw the other day appered and Eggman gave it to Chaos causing him to transforrm. Then Eggman said "Hear this Sonic and fools Chaos has increased strength everytime I feed him a Chaos Emerald. Pretty soon he'll have 7 Emeralds and we and the Heartless will destroy Station Square. And I will build Robotninkland were I rule it all. Chaos let's find next Emerald." Then they disappered. Sora then said "If he gets those emeralds, their's no telling what they do." "I know Sora. We gotta find the next emeralds and fast." I said. Sonic then said "Let's go find my friends Tails and Knuckles they'll know what to do. I said "Good Idea Sonic." We then went to train.
No it's KH charcters only. So got any ideas. I think Xehanort can play Scrooge. Sora Bob Crachit Kairi mrs. Crachit. Who can play the rest of charcters
I have a question uh since I might make A KH Charles Dicens Christmas Carol in Creativity Corner. I must know who can play the roles of Scrooge the three ghosts Marley and Tiny Tim any ideas?
18 years on April 21 1989 in Pikeville Kentucky GO CATS!!!
I agree with everything you guys say. Besides it's kinda kids game and Disney so they wouldn't allow it.
I can't beat 4th Repliku any tips?
Mine is Charlie Brown and Home Alone.
I hated Aerith Xehanort (KH2) Jack Sparrow Whole Lion King. Japanese Donald Goofy and King Mickey(I liked the english ones the best) Aerith: Mandy Moore was hell of a lot better. Jack Sparrow: :( No Johnny Depp Lion King: At least get guy voices Scar who was awful. JD JG JM: I liked every english voice.
Baseball fans would you vote for him to be in Hall of Fame?