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  1. John Clay Rice
    Meanwhile at Disney Castle

    "Shadow the Hedgehog." Exclaimed the King. "Since you were tricked by Maleficent. I will pardon you of your crimes." Shadow bowed down to the King and Queen. "Thank you your Majesty. Now I know about my past."

    three hours later while The king was teaching Tails Gummi blocks and Knuckles was sleeping(he sleeps a lot) Riku was practing. Kairi saw Shadow standing by himself at the courtyard. He was thinking something as he closed his eyes about 50 years ago.

    It was him and Maria at the Ark. Talking as Maria asks him, "Shadow, what do you think it's like on Earth?"

    Shadow slowly answered "The professor said his life's work was dedicated to all of those who live down there. He once told that the reason for his existence was, making people happy through the power of science."

    "Maria... I just don't know anything anymore... I often wonder why I
    was created; what my purpose is for being here. Maybe if I go down
    there, I... I will find the answers... maybe... ...Maria..

    Back in the present.

    Shadow opened his eyes again. "I remember." He whispered. "Ever since Kairi hugged me. I remember Maria, the promise I made to her. And how she died." He also remembered the fight against the Prototype with Sonic and falling into earth.

    "Is something wrong?" He looked behind him and saw that is Kairi. "No." Said Shadow. "Can I sit with you?" Shadow nodded. Shadow took a good look at her. She may not look like Maria but she reminds me of her. Shadow said in his thoughts. "Why did you do it?" She look at him confused "Excuse me?"

    "Why did you hug me? Why didn't you attack me?" Kairi looked at him and sighed "My heart told me too. It also told me that you were hurt emotionally."

    Shadow chuckled "You defiently acted like Maria." Kairi was confused "Who?" Shadow then looked down sadly. "Maria was my friend 50 years ago. Me and her did a lot of things back then wondering at the Earth. Then the G.U.N Army came and tried to take me away from her. Me her and her Grandfather Professer Gerald Robotink escaped when She pushed me to the escape pod then she died."

    Shadow then had tears on his eyes then Kairi hugged him "I'm sorry about that." He smiled at her "That's all right. I moved on." Then their was a knock on the door and it was The King and Tails. "Shadow, Kairi come with me. I've got something important to tell you.

    Hmmm I wonder what's important the king needs to tell them.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Sep 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. John Clay Rice
  3. John Clay Rice
    Back to Port Royal

    As they reached a place called Turgua. They were recruiting more members to help Will. They find anybody with Pirate experience. Until one more person came. "Who are you and why are you here?" Asked Jack. "I came here to find the man I love. Sonic just spit from his water and started coughing. "Elizabeth?" "Hello Jack." Said Elizabeth. Then she noticed Sora Donald and Goofy.

    "Hey Elizabeth. Why are you dressed like a Pirate." She ignored him and asked "Where's Will?" "Will's been captured by Davy Jones." Said Sora sadly. "Yeah and Jack forgot to pay Jones 99 souls. And if he doesn't pay him 99 souls in 3 days. Not only he keeps Will but he also keeps Jack as well." explained Sonic. She gasped. "Don't worry Elizabeth. We will find a way to save Will if he find Dead Man's Chest." Said Jack. "It has Davy Jones Heart. And if I destroy the Heart then he's dead." "Very well then I'm coming with you boys. As no arguing. Sonic introduced himself to Elizabeth. He explained about Robotink's plan and the Chaos Emeralds.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 28, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. John Clay Rice
    Warning this is PG-13

    Meanwhile as the King and the others went to Disney Castle to get some supplie for their trip. Tails was excited that he gets to go to a castle.He was very intersted in Gummi ships. "Wow This is your castle. It's a nice place." King Mickey thanked Tails then they heard a scream as it was Chip and Dale.

    "Your Majesty, Your Majesty. There's trouble at the Castle. There's a black thing and their attacking the castle." They exclaimed as they looked hurt and beat up. King Mickey gasped "Oh No let's go." Then they see that the courtyard was on fire and everything. The gang was all shocked. Then all of a suddnen a green light appeared in front them as a black Hedgehog with a Chaos Emerald appeared in front of them as Tails and Knuckles reconized him, "Shadow?" Asked Knuckles.

    Shadow didn't say anything instead he punched Riku on the face. Then Riku got up and wielded his Way to Dawn Keyblade and aimed at Shadow but Shadow ran like he was in skates and kicked Riku in the stomach. But Riku then got up and slashed Shadow on the face then Shadow got his balance back and punched Riku again with blood out of his nose. But Riku never givining up used dark aura to hit Shadow then he used XIII blades like he did with Xemnas as Shadow too was bleeding as they continue on fighting until...

    Hmmm It seems that you are the darkness that Maleficent told me about." "Wait Maleficent? You're working for her?" Asked Riku. "Yes she told me that if I used the Chaos Emeralds and use them on Kingdom Hearts. I will remember who I was." "Shadow listen to me. She's lying to you. She cant' do..." Then suddenly Riku fell down as he was hurt badly. His stomach was bleeding "Riku!" Screamed Kairi.

    Shadow smirked "Hmm it looks like I win." "No you didn't Shadow." King Mickey came him as he is doing something. "Look Shadow I know about you and I am sorry but this is not the only way to find out who you were. You need to let it go." Shadow growled at him then punched the King. "Shut Up!!" then Tails ran over and grabbed Shadow but he threw Tails to a wall.

    Then Knuckles came and tried to punch him on the face. But Shadow pushed him into a wall also. As Knuckles lied unconsious. Then he looked at Kairi who didn't even throw a fist or wield the Keyblade. She just stood there next to Shadow who is suprised that she's not attacking then she did something Shadow didn't expect him to do. She hugged him.

    Shadow was shocked. He hadn't hugged anybody since Maria last hugged him before that day. She broke the hug and when on to see if everyone was all right. Then she fell down all of a sudden felt a pain Maleficent came with the Queen tied up. "Hahahahaha. Good Work Shadow. Now Give me the Chaos Emerald."

    Shadow looked at her with anger cause ever since that hug with Kairi he felt different. Then he looked at the Chaos Emerald and then raised it Screaming "Chaos Spear." as array of highly destructive yellow streams attacked Maleficent. She then got up and growled.

    "You foolish hedgehog. Why did you that?" Shadow smirked "Because I had a change of plans. And besides No one tells me what to do." Maleficent then went "Hmmph very well. You'll rue the day you betray me." As she raised up her sphere and leftt Then Shadow looked at the field which was on fire then he untied the Queen. "Oh thank you for saving me now we got to Get everyone to the hospital." Shadow nodded as he help picked up the queen to take the folks to the hospital.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Archives
  5. John Clay Rice
    After Sonic, Jack and Sora got up. Sonic then grabbed the Chaos Emerald from Jack as then he slapped Sora in order to wake him. "HEY Sora!!! Did you drink this?" Sonic asked while holding the rum. Sora nodded "Why?" Sonic then punched him on the face again. "Don't drink this! You Got it? As soon as they got to the deck. Something strange was going on. There was a fog... and some strange creatures as they captured Will while Donald and Goofy hid. Sonic and Sora was looking for them as they hid in the closet.

    They saw they went into the closet as they pulled them inside as they see a strange looking creature. "You have a debt to pay Captain Jack Sparrow. You owe me your soul. Sonic took a good look at him and said "That must be Davey Jones. Man is he ugly?" Jones continued talking to Jack as he says "Here you owe me 99 souls in three days and if you don't give me them I will own your soul." As he captured Will and the other crew and put him in his ship.

    Then as soon as they got out of the closet Sonic punched Jack. "Why'd you that to Will?" "Yeah Jack. He saved you know?" "Better him then me. Now we can still save Will. All we have to do is recruit different Pirates and find the key."

    Meanwhile As Jones got back to his ship The Flying Dutchman Robotink was sitting on the captain's chair. He was impatiently waiting for the capture of Sora and Sonic. "Well? Did you get them?" Jones shook his head "No and neither was the Chaos Emerald." He then got angry but calmed down. "Don't worry, they will show up. We'll be ready for them." As he laughed evilly.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 12, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. John Clay Rice
    As they were walking through the island. They hear a bunch of people yelling like an indian tribe which of course was a tribe by the name of Pelegosto who was chasing a pirate. "Hey Will is that Jack?" Asked Sora. "I think it is but I think we should run from them. To the Black Pearl!!!!" "As they all were running as they got there just in time before the Pelegostos got to them. After that Jack as on his feet. "Ah Sir William, Sora Donald and Goofy and er? Who's this thing?" That offended Sonic. "First of all, I am not a thing. I am a Hedgehog. second of all, my name is Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog. You must be Jack Sparrow."

    "Captain Jack Sparrow if you please. Now what brings you guys here?" Will explianed to Jack about the whole Elizabeth thing. "So Jack will you let me have that compass?" Jack said "Yes I will let you have the compasss but first what do you 5 know about Davy Jones?"

    "None why?" Asked Will. "We don't know anything either." Said Sora. "Good!!" Excliamed Jack as he told them that he owes this Davy Jones50 souls. He worked for Jones and if he don't get 50 souls then will Jones will keep his soul forever.
    They all agreed to help Jack. Meanwhile later Jack in the capin's room was getting some rum. As he was digging in his pocket and in his hand was a Chaos Emerald. "So you have that Chaos Emerald." He looked and Sonic was standing in front of him. Jack was laughing nervously. "So you give me the Chaos Emeralds cause we need it." Jack put his hand on his chin and said "No!!!" Sonic then jumped on him and punched him and kicked him when suddenly Jack got an idea.

    "Okay! Okay! I'll make you a deal.... I challenge you to a drinking contest whoever falls asleep loses." Sonic is not a drinker but he has no choice. "Okay let do this!"

    As they got were getting drunker and drunker Sonic revealed something "You know that annoying girl Amy. She's not so bad. In fact I think I'm in love with her. But don't tell anybody."

    A couple hours later Sora came down and asked "What are you guys doing? Is that rum?" As he drank it then he got drunk too. Then Sora went down and fainted then Jack(Who lost the bet) Then Sonic.

    Meanwhile at a ship called the Flying Dutchman. A creature by the name of Davy Jones was speaking to.... Dr. Robotink. "So Doctor. You're telling me if I find the Chaos Emerald. I rule the seas? And you'll help me find my heart? Robotink smiled "Yes that's right. Mr. Jones If you help me get rid of that pesky Hedgehog, That annoying Keybear and that stupid duck and dog." As they both laughed evilly.

    So Eggman's in this world also huh? What will happen next?
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Archives
  7. John Clay Rice
    As they entered Port Royal. Sonic felt kind of different like Sora and the gang felt last time. This time they saw Will Turner angry and kicking a rock. "Hey Will!!!" yelled Sora. Will looked and smiled "Sora. What's up? What brings you gentlemen here to Port Royal." Sora was about to speak but Sonic interrupt him. "We're here to find the Chaos Emeralds." Will was confused "What's a Chaos Emerald?"

    Sonic explained to him about Robotink's plan and what's going to happen when he gets the 7 Chaos Emeralds. Will told them that he was about to get married to Elizabeth but was to be arrested and sentenced to death by Lord Cutler Beckett. So Will has to find Jack Sparrow to retieve his Compass to order to save Elizabeth. They all agreed to go with him.

    Meanwhile Jack was resting in the Captain's deck when suddenly he heard a noise and it was... "Bootstap Bill?" "Captain Jack Sparrow." Bill said Jack smiled "well it's been a long time. I met Your son and he's one scallywag." "Yes I know. It's been years since I got saved by Davy Jones." Jack stuttered Ddddid you say Davy Jones?" Then Bootstap remembered "Oh that's right you haven't repaid his dept." Jack nodded. "I don't know how much I owe him."

    Meanwhile at the ship Sonic was running up the place which made Donald dizzy and fainted Sonic then laughed at him. Will was controlling the boat. While Sora was in the cabin's room eating a sandwich when Sonic entered. "So Where do you think the Emerald is?" Sora Shook his head "I don't know Sonic. But I do know it's at this world." Sonic then grinned "well If you that's what you think then you're proably right." Suddenly Sonic rmemebered something "Oh I almost forgot Sora. Let me tell you about Chaos Control... When you grab the Chaos Emerald. It'll transport to a different location once you yell 'Chaos Control.' Trust me it save my life. "Wow thanks Sonic I'll keep that in mind. Suddenly the boat crashed. "Did the boat crash"No Sonic I think we're at an Island." explianed Goofy.

    Sonic was amazed at the Island "Wow this reminds me of the time me and Tails had to stop Eggman from using a Chaos Emerald in the Pirate Island. When I had to go back in time. (A/N if you seen AOSTH you know what I'm talking about."Now Shall we? Asked Will ast the gang walked out the ship and went on to the island.

    Meanwhile at Hollow Bastion Shadow was standing up in Villian's Vale with Maleficent as she smiled "Hmm it seems that foolish blue hedgehog and the twrep with the Keyblade is at Port Royal. "You want me to take care of them?" Asked Shadow. "No Shadow I got somebody else to. Besides I need you to give the King a warm welcome as he and the other friends are at the Castle. Maybe you can give them a warm welcome." She laughed evilly while Shadow just walked out of the room. "Hmm that red-haired girl. She seems familiar."

    Uh-Oh What's Shadow gonna do and How does Kairi feel familiar to him? We' ll find out sooner but for now I'm done.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Jul 20, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. John Clay Rice
    As they ran to the gummi shiip Sonic Saw a Paupu fruit stand. He asks Sora "What's a paupu Fruit?" Sora then looked at him and said "A paopu fruit is a piece of fruit and if you share with another person, they're destinies become interwined. They're a part of each other's lives no matter what. I might share it with...." Sonic just smirked "Lettme guess... Kairi right?" Donald "Uh-Huh. Now don't deny it Sora, You know you're in love with Kairi." "No I don't!!" Sora yelled with a blush. "Sora, it's okay if you like her. After you saved her then she saved you. And the way she hugged you after you were reunited. That's love alright."

    Sonic explianed. Sora blushed again. "I don't know when I should tell her." Sonic put a hand on Sora's shoulder. "Look man, you don't have to tell her right now but if you don't tell her soon. You'll regret it for the rest of your life." Sora gave him a determined face and said "Yep your right Sonic. I will tell her after this is over. Now let's head to the Port Royal."

    Sorry if this chapter sucked. I just thought of it already.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. John Clay Rice
    Sora Sonic Donald and Goofy went to Ansem's Castle and went through the door to Ansem's Computer. As they opened Ansem's study and found out that it was completely fixed. As Sonic was searching on a bookshelf and he found a DVD that's labeled "Robotnik and Xehanort. My two best students." "Hey Guys Look." He gave Sora the DVD. Then they put the disc in the computer that Tron's in. The video was taped April 5 1998. "Dr. Ivo Robotnik. I am ashamed of you. You were torturing innocent people to turn them into Heartless, when I forbid it." Said a very angry Ansem the Wise. "But Master Ansem, Xehanort was also doing it. He is planning to enter the Door to Kingdom Hearts." Said Robotnik. Xehanort heard and told Ansem "He is speaking a lie Master and I think we should banish him to another world. Ansem smiled "Good idea. Xehanort. Ienzo get that camara off."

    Then before Robotnik departed he said to Xehanort. "Hey sorry about that lie about you." Robotnik smirked evilly "No Problem Xehanort. I have plan when if you ever die and us rule the world together. Kingdom Hearts will revive you if I find the 7 Chaos Emeralds and then will make you even more powerful." Xehanort Smirked. "So where are the Seven?" Then the screen went blank.

    "What?" Screamed Sonic. "Ah Crap. Now we'll never know." Donald had his hand on his chin thinking. Then he had an Idea. "Hey Sora, maybe Tron has information on where they are?" Sora looked at him and said "Good Idea Donald. Let's do it." As he was typing the keyboards. Sonic asked Goofy "Who's Tron?" "He's a computer program inside there. When the MCP transported us here he helped us got out of here as we helped him defeat the MCP.

    "Greetings Users. System is up and ready for user input." Said a familar voice. "Tron. We are looking the seven Chaos Emeralds. Do you know where they are?" Asked Sora.Tron then said "Hey Sora and yes, I can print it off for you." 5 minutes later a piece of paper printed it off as Sora grabbed it and thanked Tron. Sora reads it and smiled "Well we defiently been there before. Let's go to Port Royal first. I wanna see Jack Sparrow. Sonic smiled "All right Now let's get this Party started." As he was running. "Wait Up Sonic!!!" Yelled Donald in a temper.

    Edit: At first I wanna go to Pride lands but I can't think of a good plot right now so it will have to wait.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Jul 6, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. John Clay Rice
    What's yours? I think mine is Sonic Adventure 1 or 2.
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Jul 2, 2008, 43 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. John Clay Rice
    As soon as they entered Radiant Garden. They landed near the shops there. As soon as they got there. They were running until they ran into Donald's Scrooge selling Sea-Salt Ice Cream. "Ah Hello Sora, Donald and Goofy. Who's your friend?" Sonic waved "Hey there I'm Sonic. You're related to Donald right?" He nodded "Yes I'm his Uncle. Say would you like to try some Sea Salt Ice Cream?" Sonic was interested. "Yeah Sure." He took a licked and was amazed. "Wow This is the best Ice Cream I ever tasted. Thanks." "First one's on the house. I made 100000 Munny." "Wow Congratulations Scrooge. We better go to Merlin's. Take Care." Said Sora.

    As soon as they went there. Then they saw Cloud who battled Sephiroth months ago leaning on the wall. "Cloud!" Sora excliamed. He looked at him then looked back down. "Did you get Sephiroth?" He shook his hand "No He got away and I haven't seen him ever since." Sora humbled "Sorry Cloud." "That's okay said Cloud. Then he noticed Sonic. "Who's this?" Sonic smirked "I'm Sonic the Hedgehog." "I'm Cloud. Nice to meet you. If you see a man with a silver hair and carry a long sword. Tell him I'm waiting." Sonic nodded "I'll keep that in mind. See ya."

    As got to Merlin's house they open the door and found Cid workin on computer, while Yuffie was practicing ninja and Leon was practicing the Gunblade. "Hey Guys!!!" Said Sora. They all look at him and they got happy. "Sora Donald Goofy!!!" Yuffie hugged Donald while Donald was stammiring. "Put me down ya big Palooka. Suddenly Donald's eyes was rolling up and down while everybody was laughing. Then they noticed Sonic. "Oh Leon. This is my new friend Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic the computer whiz is Cid. The ninja girl is Yuffie and the brunette is Leon." Sonic shook all of their hands. "Nice to meet you Guys. You haven't seen a Chaos Emerald. Have you?" They all were confused.

    "What's a Chaos Emerald?" They explianed to them about Eggman's plan. Leon closed his eyes. "Well if the Emeralds are here then follow me to Ansem's Castle. We'll use his computer." They all nodded.

    That's all for right now. I think I may add Rouge the bat teaming up with Gullwings but I don't know right now. PM me if you have ideas.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. John Clay Rice
    Meanwhile as the King and the gang was at Angel Island looking at the Master Emerald as they observed that Sora Sonic and the gang has found the first Emerald as the other Emeralds are nowhere to be found. Then King Mickey called Sora on the Walkie Talkie "Sora, Sonic I see you found the first Chaos Emerald. That's great but the Emeralds are nowhere to be found in this world." That puzzled Sonic. "You mean they're not in this world?" He asked. "Yes but they're proably in the worlds Sora Donald and Goofy traveled. I don't know where. But I gurantee you that they're there. So I need you go to the other worlds. We will stay here and protect this world at any cost." King Mickey excliamed.

    All four heroes nodded. As they went inside the Gummi ship. Sonic thought that the Gummi Ship was a pretty cool ship. "Wow this is awesome. It's even got a TV." Sora nodded and said "It's also got a fridge where you can get anything you want." As Sora opened the fridge. "Oh Cool!!!" Sonic was in awe. "I want a chili dog." Then as soon as a strange noise in the frige then a chili dog appeared. "So Which world are we going next?" Sora thought of the one place he haven't been in a long time "Radiant Garden."

    Meanwhile at Radiant Garden in Villians Vale Shadow was with Maleficent and Pete but he didn't fully trust her. "So... you said that to get all seven of the Chaos Emeralds. It will help get my memory back Maleficent?" Maleficent smiled evilly. "Yes Shadow the Hedgehog. All you need to do is find the Emeralds then give them to me as I will put them in Kingdom Hearts and they will find the Lost Memories. And what was your purpose." Then as soon as she and Pete left she whispered to him
    " What reallty is my plan was to use the Emeralds to take over alll worlds."
    Pete just laughed. "I like your plan Maleficent."
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Jun 23, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. John Clay Rice
    "All Right we will split into groups." Ordered the king. "I will go with Riku and Kairi Knuckles and Tails. Because it's your job to protect the Keybearer. Donald and Goofy will go with Sora alongside Sonic." They all nodded. Then Sonic said "Hey why don't Sora Donald Goofy and I go to Station Sqaure we check the Emerald Coast then The Casino. We can lie about Sora's age saying he's 21 but got the Webster disease.(Family Guy lol) You guys go all through the Mystic Ruins."

    "Right Let's go." Sora yelled. As Sora and the gang got on train, someone unexpected came and hugged Sonic. It was a Pink Hedgehog named Amy. "Amy what the heck are you doing?" "Oh Sonic it's been 3 months since we've seen each other. " She squealed. Then she looked at Sora and asked Sonic. "Who's that?" "Oh these guys are my new buddies. Sora Donald and Goofy. Guys this is Amy." Sora shooked Amy's hand. "Nice to meet you." Sora said. "You too. Sonic, Station Square is in danger. There's these black looking creatures. They are attacking the city. They all gasped. "You mean the Heartless?" Asked Doanld. Amy was confused. "The Heartless. Is that what they're called?" They all nodded then Sora told her the adventure when he got the part where he stabbed his heart to save Kairi. Amy Squealed "That's so romantic!!!"

    Then they told about Robotink's plan. Then as soon as they got to Station Square they saw Heartless attacking the city. Sora Donald and Goofy got their weapons and attacking the Heartless while Sonic turned into a ball and started spinning and jumping all over the Heartless. Then they're were no more Heartless as they went to the hotel and as soon as they got there a Heartless was attacking a 6 year old boy but Sonic got to the Heartless just in time to save him. Then the gang went to Emerald Coast. As were running through Robotink's robots with animals inside. Then As soon as they were near the beach Sora saw a blue Glowing in front of his eyes and it was a Chaos Emerald as Sonic grabbed it. He smiled "One down, Six to go. Let's go to the Casino. Oh and if anyone asks your age. Just say 'I'm 21. I have Webster's disease.' They're too stupid to fall for that." Sora nodded.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Jun 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. John Clay Rice
    "King Mickey?" Sora Kairi and Riku asked shockingly. "Not just me, Donald and Goofy." They saw Donald and Goofy got out of the Gummi ship. Sora then ran over to them and hugged them. Then he saw Sonic. "Hey Sonic." "Mick, What's Up?" Sora was shocked. "Your Majesty you and Sonic know each other?" The King nodded. "Uh-Huh. I saved him from a bunch of Nobodies a year ago while you Donald and Goofy was on your Adventure. Now the reason Dr. Eggman is trying to get the Chaos Emeralds is because he's using them on Kingdom Hearts to revive Xehanort." They all gasped. "He and Xehanort knew each other. They were both Ansem's students. Eggman was kicked out of Ansem because of his evil ways and banished him here. Well a few days ago, he found out that Xehanort was dead and the only way to revive him was to use the Chaos Emeralds and Take over Kingdom Hearts and all worlds." Donald gasped "Oh No we gotta stop them."

    "But How?" Asked Riku. "We don't know we're the Emeralds are." Sonic then smirked. "Well Let's pay a visit to my good buddy Knuckles. Follow me." As Sora and the gang followed Sonic all the way to Angel Island. They see a Echinda sleeping. Sonic then had a idea he put is mouth near Knuckles ear and Yelled
    "KNUCKLES IT'S TIME TO GET UP!!!!" Suddenly Knuckles got up raised up like crazy. And he looked at Sonic like angry. "Sonic What the Heck is wrong with you are you trying to get me deaf?" As they all (except Knuckles) started laughing, Then they told Knuckles about Eggman's plans and Knuckles agreed to let them use the Master Emerald. They see that The Emeralds are in other worlds.

    Meanwhile somewhere up in the Space Colony ARK a black Hedgehog named Shadow was looking down earth. He was closing his eyes and imagined himself with a girl named Maria. Then he opened his eyes. "So trying to remember your past eh?" A Voice whispered loudly. Shadow "Who said That?" "Me." As a Portal of Darkness showed a woman with a staff and long dress with a big fat cat. "My name is Maleficent and this is Pete we are here to help you." Shadow looked at both of them but he sure don't trust them but decided to.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. John Clay Rice
    As they got out of the cart from the sand hill and Big the Cat's house. Sora Kairi and Riku was following Sonic to Tails workshop as they saw a two-tailed fox working on a airplane. "Hey Sonic!" He said as he was polishing. "Hey Tails. These are my new friends Sora Riku and Kairi." Sonic introduced. "Nice to meet you guys. I am Tails." "So Where are you from?" Sonic asked. Sora Riku and Kairi explained their adventures to Sonic and Tails. Then Sora reach his hand and showed the Keyblade.

    Sonic was amazed. But then when he was learning about the Heartless he thought of his nemesis Dr. Robotnink (Eggman) who very well likely control the Heartless. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Speak of the devil it as Dr. Robotnink was in front of them on his egg walker. "Hello there Sonic and Tails." "Eggman. What are you doing here? Are you here to get your butt kicked by me again?" "Silence Sonic and well if it isn't Sora The Keybearer." "How do you know his name?" Asked Riku as he got his Wield to the Dawn. Robotnik smirked. "Well let's just say I have a relationship with Xehanort. Sora Riku and Kairi gasped. He then laughed "Well I have no time for you. I have big plans and I will use them to work. Oh Heartless." Suddenly A shadow jumped on the Tornado (Tails plane) "Now give me the Chaos Ememrald. Or Else everyone's hearts will succomb to Darkness." Sora then looked at Kairi and told her to get to a safe place. She nodded. Then Sonic looked on a Heartless and had a idea on how to defeat a Heartless. As he jumped on one and it dissappeared. Then he jumped on another then he used Somersault. While Sora was using Trintiy and Riku was using dark aura. Then Tails was using Flying and using tails whip. Then when all the Heartless were gone. Robotnik was looking at them and excliamed "Hmm This Time you won but the next we meet you won't be so lucky." As he was fleeing on his Egg walker.

    Then Sora sit down and panted. "I wonder how Eggman and Xehanort knew each other." "Yeah and what's a Chaos Emerald?" Asked Kairi "First I don't know how they're Releated." Sonic exlciamed. "But I will tell you what's a Chaos Emerald. They are seven gemstones that have mystical properties and abilities, and the holder of them all can use them for a variety of purposes, including transforming into a powerful "super form". Each emerald is an everlasting source of energy and is capable of floating in the air on its own power.Once I have those Emeralds I turn Super Fast and Super Strong and become Super Sonic."
    "Oh Wow. But I wonder what Eggman wants with them and the Heartless. "I can answer that!!!" Said a familiar voice and it was...

    Can you guess who it is? And can someone PM me about Eggman's plot with The Heartless cause I haven't thought of it yet. And The next Sonic character is either Shadow, Amy or Knuckles.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, May 23, 2008 in forum: Archives
  16. John Clay Rice
    Sonic Hearts

    After a year of defeating Xemnas, Sora was relaxing at the islands with his friends Riku and Kairi. Sora was wondering if he's ready to share Paopu with Kairi. It's the day after the school year ended and Sora Riku and Kairi were sitting together on the papou tree when Sora asked "Do you think we will see Donald and Goofy and the king again?" Kairi said "I hope so Sora." "Yeah." Said Riku with a sad face.

    As they were looking at the sunset when it was almost time to go home. "Well I'm getting tired." Then he jumped and all of a sudden fell. "Sora!!!" Said Riku and Kairi. They looked at each other and Riku said "Let's go down and help him." Kairi nodded and they both jumped on Sora who was landing on his back.

    Then all three friends looked at where they were. They were at a place with lots of grass and a green grass. Sora never saw that much since he was at Tarzan's world. Then all of a sudden they see something or someone running and it was.... a blue hedgehog. "Hey are you guys all right?" They all nodded.(A/N: Yeah I know they're not shocked about a blue hedgehog. They're also friends with a Duck mouse and dog lol) "That's good. Who are you?" "I'm Sora. This is Riku and Kairi." "Nice to meet ya. I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. "Nice to meet you Sonic. Uh where are we?" "Why you're in the Mystic Ruins. This is where my good buddy Tails works. You guys look like you're hungry. C'mon I'll take you to eat." Sora nodded. He was pretty hungry. Meanwhile a Fat guy was looking behind them. "So these are the Keybearers that help save the worlds from darkness. Well with them and that pesky Hedgehog out of the way. There's no way they're gonna stop me. Dr. Robotink. Hahahahahahahaha!!! Oh Heartless. I command you to give the Keybearers a warm welcome."
    That's it for right now.

    Main Cast: (A/N: This is the voice cast if I made a game like this.)

    Sora/Metal Sora: Haley Joel Osment
    Sonic/Metal Sonic: Ryan Drummond
    Riku: David Gallagher
    Shadow: David Humphrey
    Kairi: Hayden Panettiere
    Rouge: Lani Minella
    Knuckles: Scott Dreier
    Tails: Corey Bringas
    Donald: Tony Anselmo
    Amy: Jennifer Douillard
    Goofy: Bill Farmer
    Eggman: Mike Pollock
    Pete: Jim Cummings
    Maleficent: Susanne Blakeslee
    Xehanort: Billy Zane
    Mickey:Wayne Allwine(RIP)
    Roxas: Jesse McCartney
    Namine: Britney Snow
    Ansem: Christopher Lee
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, May 22, 2008, 78 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. John Clay Rice

    Villian songs

    Wo has the best villian song? I think it's "Be Prepared" by Scar(Jeremy Irons)
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, May 21, 2008, 52 replies, in forum: Disney Galaxy
  18. John Clay Rice
    I would die if they put these: Hannah Montana: She's annoying. HSM The New Disney Channel shows. Etc.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Apr 26, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. John Clay Rice
    Yes but he would not give up to get the Beast's heartless. That's why he came back from first visit. Remember?
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Apr 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. John Clay Rice
    Sora so I can hold the Keyblade and destroy Heartless and stop Disney Villians.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Apr 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX