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  1. John Clay Rice
    Whatever my Dad plays. Like Lynard Skynard.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Music
  2. John Clay Rice
    How bout Willem Dafoe as Marluxia?
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. John Clay Rice
    Sora vs. Metal Sora.

    "Follow me to Sunset Hill." Said Pence as Sora and the Gang was following him." Then just out of nowhere something in front of Sonic. It was a Heartless. As Sora Donald and Goofy wield their weapons they fought a million and a million of Heartless untill they get pooped. Then a Shadow hit Sonic as he feel down. As the Heartless began to devour Sonic's heart.

    "SONIC!!!" Screamed Sora then suddenly Something was in front of Sonic and It wasn't a Heartless. It was a female voice. "If you ever tried to hurt my dear Sonic again. I will kill you!!!" It was... "AMY!!!" Amy then hugged Sonic like crazy. "OH SONIC!! I Thought I lost you!!" She cried. "Thanks Amy I'm fine, now get off me." He said as she let go as he was gasping for air. "How did you get here Amy?" Asked Donald. "Well I found this Chaos Emerald." She revealed out of her pocket was the Chaos Emerald. "Then all of a sudden this light came and must've teleported me here."

    "Chaos Control." Replied Sora. "That must've been it. Then she gave the Emerald to Sora. "Anyway Where are we?" She asked. "This is Twilight Town." Explained Sora. "Our friend Pence here found a Chaos Emerald but it was found by Dr. Eggman." Amy Gasped. Then of a sudden they heard an explosion. "It's coming from the Sandlot." Said Olette. "We better Skedaddle and see what's up." Goofy said. They all nodded as they were running to the sandlot to see that a guy with a hoodie(Seifer) a Guy with orange shirt.(Rai) and A girl with gray hair(Fuu ) lying down. "Seifer, what happenend?" asked Hayner.

    He as did Fuu and Rai got up and saw Sora and when he did he went over and punched him on the face. "OWW!! Why did you did that?" Asked Sora as he rubbed his face. "Because..." Shouted Seifer in anger. "You did this." Seifer said coldly as he put a accusing finger on Sora. "What? That's Crazy!!" Yelled Donald. "Yeah!!! Sora would Never do that!!" Said Sonic.

    Then all of a sudden a bright light teleported and in front of them was a robotic figure standing in front them. The robot looked like Sora. As Sora got his Keyblade. "Who are you?" The Machine didn't answer as his eyes(Pretend this like robotic eyes where it says target) As his eyes says Target:Sora. Mission: Kill him "I am Metal Sora. I'm here to terminate you by order of Dr. Robotnik."

    As he revealed a metal Keyblade. As he flew and gave Sora an uppercut. Then he kept on bashing and bashing Sora. Then Sora used Ars Arachum but missed. But so did Metal Sora as he made a better attack. Then Sora was panting then he fainted. "SORA!!!" His friends screamed. Amy shut her eyes. As Metal Sora got close to him and was choking him.

    "Once I am done. I will find the rest of the Chaos Emeralds and give them to my lord and Master Dr. Robotnik. And he will use them to become all powerful." Then all of a Sonic used Spin dash and used Somersault on Metal Sora. Then he jumped on him again. Sonic stood up in front of Metal Sora. Then Metal Sora laughed. "What's so funny Bolt Brain?" Metal Sora smirked "Because Sonic. I got the Emerald." As he revealed the Emerald making Sonic gasped. "Since Sora has a few seconds to live. I'll let him die nice and slow. Goodbye!!!" As Metal Sora dissappeared into a bright light. Sonic looked up angrliy then he realized aobut Sora.

    He kneeled to the unconsious boy. He checked his pulse. "We gotta get him to a hospital fast." He said worrriedly. Hayner then led "Follow me." As Sonic was carrying the near dead boy with Donald and Goofy, Pence, Olette and Amy Following them.

    Uh-Oh will Sora live?
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. John Clay Rice
    Main Charcaters are Sonic Sora Donald Goofy Kairi Riku Mickey Eggman Shadow Rouge, Knuckles and Xehanort's Heartless.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  5. John Clay Rice
    K can you do at least the KH/Sonic sign A blue background or something? What can you do?
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  6. John Clay Rice
    I guess Make a KH/Sonic sign like it's a game cover. Also Make Sora and Sonic make their famous poses. They're either at Kingdom Hearts or Destiny Island. With Make it a little similar to KH2 cover. With about most of the Main characters except for Pete and Maleficent.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  7. John Clay Rice
    I think I want Sonic and Sora making a cool pose with each other.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  8. John Clay Rice
    Could someone make a Sonic/KH based on my Sonic/KH story?
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Oct 12, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  9. John Clay Rice
    Sora cause I got a good heart.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. John Clay Rice
    Not until you're married. That's my opionion.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 11, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  11. John Clay Rice
    If he was found guilty in the murder case. Would he get death? I know it doesn't matter but I was just wondering.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. John Clay Rice
    When Knuckles fell asleep. He was dreaming about himself at Angel Island. He gasped as he got up "Oh my gosh. I forgot about the Master Emerald."

    He was running and running to Shadow who was talking with The King Kairi and Tails. "Shadow I need to go to Angel Island. Can you use Chaos Control to get me to the Island?" Shadow scoffed "You are so irresponisple." Knuckles growled "What do say?" "Knuckles, Calm down." Said Tails who grabbed Knuckles from behind to prevent Knuckles from attacking him.

    "I'm afraid he's right Shadow." Said the King. "He needs to protect the Master Emerald Cause without it. The Heartless will destroy Angel Island and kill all people who live there. Tails And Riku. You need to go with Knuckles. Kairi and Shadow must stay here."

    Riku nodded as he smirked "No problem. We'll help Knuckles get the Emerald and control his temper." Knuckles then blushed "SHUT UP RIKU!!!!"

    Shadow gave the Emerald to Knuckles and yelled before he said it. King Mickey said "Wait Since Riku can wield the Keyblade. He can use the power to use Chaos Control." "Really You're Majesty?" Asked Riku. The King nodded as Shadow said "Hmmph Fine but bring that back."

    Riku nodded as he yelled "Chaos Control!" As Knuckles Tails and Riku transported to Angel Island. Unfortunatly for them They see a Big fat cat in front of the Emerald. "Pete? What are doing with the Emerald." Asked Riku.

    Pete laughed "None of your beeswaks. But I'll tell you anyway. Maleficent is using the Emeralds Power to find the Other Chaos Emeralds." He explained with an Evil Laugh "Actually The Emerald is mine." Said a voice. Knuckles look behind him and it was a bat. "Rouge." He muttered. "Long time no see Treasure Hunter." She smirked. "And that Emerald is mine. So Give it to me you stupid cat.

    Pete then threw a Tantrum like an idiot. Knuckes then jumped up and punched Pete on the eyes. "You leave the Master Emerald alone." He said Angrirly. Pete then angryily got up and summond two giant Heartless (like in Agrabah only think of them as Mobians) "Riku and I will take care of the Heartless. You take care of Pete Knuckes." Explianed Tails.

    Knuckles nodded. Then He Punched Pete on the stomach. Then Pete threw some balls (Like in Hercules World) As they exploded making Knuckles and Rouge Jumped up and Down then Pete punched Rouge and Grabbed her on the neck then hitting her up down and up and down.

    Then Knuckles came and punched Pete on the face. Making Pete drop Rouge. Then he went to comfort Rouge. "Are you okay Bat girl?"

    She then smirked "Are you checking on me cause you like me?" Knuckles blushed And Stammered "NO!! I just wanna make sure you're all right. Cause I'm a caring person." She scoffed "Sure Whatever."

    Meanwhile Tails and Riku were having a tough time against the Mobian Heartless. As Tails used Tails whip whip while Riku used dark aura. It was working. Suddenly Tails thought of something. "Hey Riku. I have an Idea. Why don't we..." He whispered to Riku As Riku as nodding. "Tails you're a genious." He relied which made Tails blushed. As Riku and Tails grabbed each other shoulders and Tails used Tails as Riku Used reflect making Tails tail whip grow even more powerful then he used it on the blue Heartless. Then it faded. Then he did it on the other one. Making it fade.

    Then as soon as the battle was over. Tails and Riku went back to Knuckles and Rouge who was confronting Pete. Pete then growled. "Hmmph. You may have won this time but we'll meet again."

    Tails then jumped up and down "We did it." Rouge then asked "What the Heck is going on here?" "I'll explian when we get back to Disney Castle." Said Riku
    "Chaos Control!!!" He Screamed as they transported.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. John Clay Rice
  14. John Clay Rice
  15. John Clay Rice
  16. John Clay Rice
    Profile Post

    Hey How's it going?

    Hey How's it going?
    Profile Post by John Clay Rice for Sumi, Oct 8, 2008
  17. John Clay Rice
    I know. If I ever have kids. I will teach them to be very cute and innocent like I was.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  18. John Clay Rice
    Meanwhile at Robotnik's lab

    Robotnik was at his lab working on robotic parts. "Hahahahaha!!! I've created an ultimate Machine. He will have" As he was finishing the parts on him. The Robot i woke up as he looked at him. "Ah you awaken." Said the doctor. "I'm your creator, Dr. Robotnik. You are a very powerful machine to destroy both Sonic and Sora the Keybearer. You are Metal Sora." As the Robot looked like Sora and dressed like Sora. "I am at your command Dr. Robotnik."

    Robotnik laughed Evilly. "Perfect. You will have the same heart as Sora. Only you will harm him and his friends and give me the Chaos Ememalds. But first I must test you. Oh Heartless!!!" As 100 Heartless appeared out of nowhere.

    Metal Sora somehow wield the Keyblade. It looks like Sora's only it's metal. He then flew up and slashed at the Heartless until there was no more Heartless. Then as soon as he destroyed them all he asks "Did I pass?" Robotnik smiled evilly "You did more then pass. You're ready!! Hahahaha!!!"
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. John Clay Rice
    You can never be old for cartoons.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. John Clay Rice
    This looks good.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 7, 2008 in forum: Archives