Oh I hate Tennesee but look at this guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mor3ZBsKINI
Yeah I hate Florida. Their fans are the biggest jerks.
Yeah. Let's beat Florida.
He was a coach at the NFL's Atlanta Falcons The team that had Michael Vick. The day he got convicted, he told the Falcons owner that he'll stay....
Xion looks pretty. She looks like Kairi but tougher. I still like Kairi though.
He's not more p.o'd then Arkansas coach Bobby "liar" Petrino lol.
That was an awesome game.
Hey did you see the Cats won?
I'm sorry to hear that.
Thanks for new sig.
What's the best game commercial you've seen? Mine was this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjLy6GabB80
God they're were so many but mine was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Also Pokemon
A camel caravan was guiding into the back of the palace. The leader, dressed in black with a blue cape and hood, looked had the camels lined up side by side and then looked outside, as if he was watching for something, being careful. Three gold claws cut through the basket and a tall strong built man, gray as a tombstone, bald with a black mustache and vest, blue pants, and black shoes climbed out and walked behind the leader. “Why do you walk in the open while I suffocate like an animal?” the man asked, furious. “Someone has to keep a cool head, Sa’luk,” said the King of Thieves. “Someone will have no head if this is another wild goose chase,” said Sa’luk, holding his claws to the King’s face. “The Oracle is the real thing,” said the King, pushing Sa’luk’s hand away, taking it as an empty threat, and looked back to the palace. “This time I’m sure. While I search for it, you distract the guards.” “Part of your plan?” “A large part. Just make sure you keep those things in line.” The King walked over to one of the baskets on his camels and tapped it a few times as he whispered into it. “It’s time.” He smiled evilly. Meanwhile Sora and Sonic explianed about the worlds in danger to Aladdin at the alter. Sora just became Aladdin's best man because he's part of the reason he and Jasmine are together. Then Genie realized something. "Oh NOO!!" “Oh, boy,” said Donald, as Genie transformed into the White Rabbit and ran down the aisle way like his head depended on it. “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date,” he rhymes, zipping pass the doors. As they swung back in, Genie stood wearing a white ceremonial uniform. He twirled the gold horn around his fingers and placed it to his lips where he blew three times, announcing the start of the wedding. He vanished in a puff of smoke as the orchestra took over the music and the flowers girls walked down the aisle, spreading flower pedals across the carpet. The banner boy followed a few steps behind, guiding the Sultan’s throne carriers to the altar, the guests bowing their head in respect to him. The flower girls walked the left and the banner boy walked to the left as the guards lowered the throne, letting the Sultan down. Aladdin, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Sonic and Amy bowed as the Sultan walked to Aladdin’s side. “Ha-ha, don’t look so solemn, boy,” the Sultan chuckled. “This is a happy day.” Then he introduced Sora and the gang. “Ooh, look, it’s a Kodiak moment,” said Genie, holding his hands together in a frame at the altar. A bear appeared and roared in Genie face and ear, but he only grabbed its mouth shut and pushed it back. “Put that bear out of here.” Genie smiled and gathered his powers with his hands winding up behind him. They shot forward and a two pair of doves appeared, holding a corner of a white carpet with gold trims, flying over the aisle, laying it down. Two purple peacocks that stood in front of the door pulled in their tales, revealing the Princess Jasmine for all to see. The reveled her lovely sight, but no more than Aladdin who looked at her with great admiration. “Wow,” Aladdin sighed. "That's Jasmine?" asked Sonic. "She's hot.!!" Then he gets smacked in the Hammer by Amy. Jasmine then saw Sora and gang by suprise and hugged them. Then she hugged her father who was in tears. Then she walked to Aladdin who was nervous. "Well we're here." He said nervously. "Together forever." She said in a confident tone. The King of Thieves kneeled upon the roof of the ceremonial hall with his sword drawn and reflected the sun’s light to the where his men waited. Sa’luk caught it with a pleased smile upon his sinister face and bumped the fat guy away from the elephant he struggled to push to move. “Let me be the point man,” said Sa’luk. His pulled his left hand back and struck the elephant’s behind with his claws, scaring the hell out of it, which frightened the others, causing them to run amok to the palace. “I thought the earth wasn’t supposed to move until the honeymoon,” said Genie. The quakes grew stronger, making everyone to begin to lose their balance. "What the Heck is going on?" Asked Sonic. AS he sees Elephants charging. STA-A-A-A-AMPEDE!” Genie shouted in a cowboy suit. That's it for right now.
sig: 9 Ava:10
The Man that knows all sports. I know Super Bowl stats NCAA Football Stats and NBA Stats and Memorble games.
No offense to anyone who hates her but this is riduculus. She hasn't even been in games. And she's in the way of Axel and Roxas love? That's the stupidest thing I ever heard.
This is great.
You're right on that but Jafar was a badass too.
Have you seen Steve Martin the Jerk? It's Hilarous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3Vp9fQ616k&feature=related
Agrabah "Give it to me straight doc. Will Sora live? Asked Sonic. As they are in the waiting room. The Doctor sighed and answered "Yes. But he must stay here till tommorrow." That made Sonic and the gang sighed with relief. "Can we see him?" Asked Amy. The doctor nodded. As Sonic and the gang went inside the hospital room to see Sora watching TV. "Hey Sora." Said Sonic as he turned and looked at Sonic. "Hey guys." He said in a raspy voice. Goofy has had on his mouth. "How are you? He asked. "Oh I feel a little fine. I have a few bruises but other then that I feel fine. That Metal Sora is tough." "I know. That Egghead sure loves to make robotic copies." Sonic said as he and Amy explained about Robotnik's Metal Sonic and how it gives him trouble in the Past. The next day Sora was realased from the Hospital. "We better go." Said Sora. As Hayner and the gang looked at Sora's gang with sad facess. "Will you come back?" Asked Olette. "I Promise. And be careful for Eggman." Said Sonic with his famous thumbs up. "So where are we going?" Asked Amy as she sat next to Sonic. Sora was looking at the worlds as he sees another familiar world. "Hey let's go to Argrabah. I want to see Aladdin and the Gang." Said Sora. Donald and Goofy agreed. "Argabah. We made it." Excliamed Donald as they got out of the Gummi Ship. They see people carrying presents. Then they see a bodyguard. "Hey. What's going on?" Asked Sora. As a another person was behind him with a heavy bag. The Guard looked at them with a mean face. "Our Princess is to wed." The person was excited. "Ohh wonderful!!! And who's the lucky prince." That made Amy's eyes shine bright while Sonic sighed in frustation. The Guard sneered "Not a Prince at all. Just a no good Street Rat." "NO WAY!!" As the Man transformed in a blue guy. "It's ALLLLLADDDIN!!!" As fireworks came appeared behind him. "HEY Genie!!" The Genie looked behind and grinned Widly. "Sora! Donald! Goofy! How are you guys?" Then he noticed Sonic and Amy. "What's that? A Hedgehog?" Sonic grinned "I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!! And this Amy. You must be Genie of the Lamp?" The Genie nodded. Then Goofy interuppted. "So Aladdin and Jasmine are getting married." Then the Genie transformed into John Madden. "Yes Today. The Underdog Aladdin is getting married to the lovely Princess Jasmine." He said making Sonic Laugh uncontrolablly. "Man this guy is so fun." Then Genie asked "Did you get the invatations?" Sora and the gang shook their heads. "No Promblem. Come on down." He said in a Bob Barker voice. "You just won free passes to Aladdin and Jasmine's Wedding. Which reminds me I better go find him. You wanna come with?" The gang nooded as Gene snapped his fingers and teleported them into an old house as they see a young man with a box. As he heard a voice "Hello!!" said Genie, in a booming, scaring his monkey (Abu)."SOMEBODY IS GONNA BE LATE FOR HIS OLD WEDDING!!" The young man turned after a laugh. "Hold on Genie. There's something I need." He said. "I got you." He winked. Then he noticed Sora. "Sora. Donald Goofy. When did you guys get here?" He asked happily. "Oh same old same old." Said Sora while he had his hands behind his back. Then Sonic and Amy introduced themselves then Sonic noticed the box and asked Sonic "What's that?" Aladdin then looked at the box and said "This is for the wedding." He opened the box revealing a small dagger. "well uh it's a nice dagger." Said Genie imating Woody Allen. "Intresting choice of accecory." Aladdin. "It belong to my father." He said sadly. The Genie was shocked "Father? You never said a word about your father. Oh, I gotta let the caterer know.” He changed into a waiter. “Chicken or sea bass?” He’s not coming to the wedding,” said Aladdin, taking the dagger out of the case. “He died a long time ago.” Genie changed back with a winced. “Sorry,” said Genie. “It’s all right,” said Aladdin, taking the dagger out the box. “What happened to him?” Sora asked. “I don’t know,” said Aladdin, standing up and walking to the giant hole the wall. “I never knew him. Maybe, if I did, I’d probably be ready for this.” "Aladdin? You don't have cold feet do you?" Asked Sonic "Yeah About everyone gets cold feet during their weddings." Said Goofy which made Donald looked at him strangly. Aladdin sighed "No Sonic. It's Just “I have always been by myself. Stealing what I need to survive, running from the guards, and living my life alone.” Abu walked up to Aladdin and he petted his head. “But now I’m taking a big step today, into a new world.” “Today’s topic: fears of a family man,” said Genie, over a radio. He was sitting in midair with his magic tail thing dangling in front of him with a microphone and a pair of headsets. “Al from Agrabah, share with us.” Aladdin got back up and started walking around the room. “I never had a father to show me how to raise a family,” said Aladdin. “No role model,” said Sora. “Dig a little deeper,” said Genie. “What do I know about families?” Aladdin asked. “What if I’m no good at it. If my father were here…” Genie moved beside Aladdin and placed his hand on his shoulder in a supportive manner. “Al, if your father were here, he’d be proud of you as I am,” said Genie. "As are we." Said Sora. As the rest of the gang agreed. He smiled then said "I wish he can see this." "OH Aladdin this mushy things gotta stop!!!" Said Iago in an annoying voice. Then Genie interuptted "Hey Hey Al. Let's you guys dressed for the wedding. As Genie gets Aladdin Sora and the gang dressed. Aladdin was dressed in a white coat with a turban. Sora with a blue coat and a blue turban. While Donald was wearing the outfit he wore when found out the king was missing. Goofy in his knight suit. Sonic in a fancy suit. And when he looked At Amy his mouth fell wide open as she is in a blue dress with a neckalace as she giggled at Sonic's jaw.