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  1. rikurep

    Death Note

    Etsuko took off his shoes and sat in front of the TV still reading the note. "any name written in the note huh?" He thought this over, convinced it was fake....but still wanting to try it out. He changed the channel to new where there was a live news broadcast about a serial killer trapping several people in a building. This was a perfect opportunity he thought.
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. rikurep
    ooc: i didn't read your character description lol

    "N-No problem," Nate said embarresed that he had shouted at her and now they were hugging. "well then," Nate said managing to escape from the hug "What about her?" he said looking off at the other girl
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. rikurep
    ooc: oh okay then i'll reply

    Quid had run up to the shore where he had spotted Takari "Hey!" he shouted running over to greet her "hows it goin?"

    btw: do they already know eachother?
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. rikurep
    "uh, of course we will" Nate said a little freaked out by how quick her attitude had changed. "as long as you don't feed on anyone there" he added
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. rikurep

    Death Note

    Etsuko stood up, he had now started heading home having coompletely forgotten about his work. He couldn't stop reading that notebook, nor did he have any desire to return it to it's owner. "The human whose name is written in this notebook..........will die" he read to himself and then chuckled slightly. "what a stupid joke" he thought, as he turned the pages to see names written down. He couldn't deny that some of those names that he saw he had seen on the news. "they really went through this much trouble just to trick people?" he said while entering his house​
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. rikurep

    Death Note

    OOC:I already introduced my character

    "oh noh, i forgot something at work" Etsuko realized and rushed out the door and headed there. He was about to board the train when he saw that he had stepped on someone's notebook. he squated down and carefully picked it up and wiped off the dirt "death........note?" he said under his breath as he read the cover
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. rikurep

    Death Note

    ooc: YAY i finally get a death note
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. rikurep


    just watched the Death Note movies for the first time today.................

    Thread by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. rikurep

    Death Note

    ooc:i'm fine with that too, and if it okay with you i'm going to start..

    *CLICK* Tsuko had turned off the computer he was working on, put on his coat, pick up his bag and had headed home. He was Etsuko Sasaki, a computer programer working for a big business company, but he hated it. Not only was it boring, but he despised his bosses, corrupt pigs who would trade their love away for money. "what trash," he thought to himself as he boarded a train. as he got home he took off his shoes and looked outside a window. It was years since kira had been around, "an angel in diguise, sent to clean up humanity" he thought to himself.

    pretty long huh? :D
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. rikurep

    Death Note

    it doesn't matter to me, maybe your new one
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. rikurep
    "nervous about what?" Nate said jokingly as he watched Lunis walk off, he waited a while then stepping forward "hey Lunis, we didn't mean to be rude...if you want you can stay here. it's a shelter for both humans and vampires" he offered
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. rikurep

    Death Note

    ooc: CRAP! i knew i forgot something :sweatdrop: i'll edit it

    and i'm fine with you having another death god
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. rikurep
    "come on move it!" knuckles said running over to Anna
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. rikurep
    "huh?" Nate said looking over at Precious "well......I-I" he managed to get out before looking away again blushing
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. rikurep
    O_O "um,....uh....well, no of course not!" Nate finally said after stuttering and looking away after she asked him that
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. rikurep

    Death Note

    okay i'll be a civilian for now:

    Name: Etsuko Sasaki
    Ae: 21
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Has a strong sense in justice, not very calm in stressful situations
    Line of work: he works as a computer programmer (can hack into police files for criminals)
    History: Throughout his life he has always refered to others as trash, deserving to be cleaned up, just like how bad data is deleted. And as a child, being one of the smart kids, he was an outcast. Concerning Kira, at the start of it, he was one of the first supporters, he even started up a website about him.

    tell me if i need to change anything
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. rikurep
    "well, i couldn't care less, .........Luna" Nate said smiling back. "just don't come around here to feed," he said pointing at the church. Afted looking once more to ensure Precious was unharmed he turned around, "sorry if I sound rude," he said, "My name is Nate"
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. rikurep
    "now what going on here, and who are you?" Nate said staring over at the girl
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. rikurep

    Death Note

    ooc: you guys started already? okay then just PM me when my character is needed, ok?
    i might join as a civilian or something until my guy is introduced
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. rikurep
    ooc: lol sorry about that okay i changed it :sweatdrop:
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home