Sora : Org. Roxas Donald : Riku Goofy : Mickey AI : Sora
Okay, I guess. I'm not really in the 'AMV-making' mood though.
21037 What's happening?
Meh, I have horrible timing.
Hey people.
Greethings and salutations. This is x3r†y, not a robot. I am not tied in a bag, with tape over my mouth, hanging from a flag pole. Thank you for your kind attention.
Wow, a lot of it I don't understand, cause I haven't finished TLC yet, but yeah, it's a really great game, worth playing. Everything revolves around the choices you make, so it's not some 'direct-path-game' thing....
Hello people (third time I said that today, maybe the fourth). I'm gonna enter my vid next week when it's done, I don't think I'm up for it while the weekend is here. And I can't stay for long.
Hello, people...if there is anyone there. Anyone? Hellooooooo?
Yup, tweaks after I finish the last 50 second of it. That could take me about 2 or 3 days, depending on how lzay I am. It took me 3 days to get to the first minute before (maybe 4, but I'm not sure) but I'm doing so well so far. 40 seconds in one and a half hours, that's pretty good. That wasn't the problem. My dad is transferring some stuff, so I can't use my computer right now. Otherwise, I'd be working on it in like 15 minutes. But yeah, it does suck. I've said before that before, my WMM is being such a jerk lately, when this AMV is probably, hopefully, a good shot at the Top 5 next week, maybe this week depending on when I get my space back.
It's great, almost done. But I can't use my computer for a while so I'm stuck till next week on trying to get Top 5. *sigh*
Hello peoples!
Yup, it's Kingdom Hearts as seen at TWTNW.
Bye! All alone.... Well, I have to go now too! Bye......err...bye
I play mine at my cousin's house, so I can't play very often. Though I really want it on the PC back at home.
Yeah, I found it a while back. I'm gonna go work on my latest AMV in a while also, cause I wanna try something. I've gone halfway through, and it's probably gonna be a shot at the Top 5 either this week or next week, really depending on when I get it done. Shouldn't be long though.
Oh, okay. But all I have is KH2 and KH1, so I don't really know about the other games.
Yeah....I think so too.
Awwws, I gotta go. Bye guys!