21714 But he killed the dude's uncle's brother's aunt's cousin's classmate's dog's dad's owner's employee's neighbor's brother's sister!
Banned for posting after me and before me at the same time.
Banned for thinking your the center of the universe.
21712 Good. Now, we all know that the killer was clearly very tall and wore a big trench coat. But what we need to find out is why he was stealing that man's underwear.
Banned for banning me for something I didn't do.
First time I saw that. Fascinating, barely.
Banned for saying 'banned for eating breakfast'.
I like my dreamless sleeps, you close your eyes, next thing you know it's morning. I find it......un-troubling.
21710 Brilliant! Write that down as well!
Banned for banning under the wrong person.
Banned for floating in nothingness.
I'm mostly dreamless, so I didn't have that kinda problem since I was 6 or so.
21708 Interesting. Write that down too.
Banned for replying to this thread.
You should sleep longer. Seriously.
21706 We just had one wonder of kh-vids.net. Someone has to record this.
Banned for joining in June.
This is like the 39585190298340872098029348th time I've seen this.
Banned for not having an 'x' in your username.
Banned for having an avatar.