You annoy me sometimes....oh well... Another bad thing is that this one will probably come out with another bunch of useless versions, and play every night on Saturday for 2 months or something like that.
If there is going to be a third.........too mind-numbingly stupid to think about it. The first one got annoying, the second one with probably be worst.
That avvy so bores me.
21884 Greetings.
I think you need at least 300 posts and be 5 month old user for a name change.
Thanks. I'm trying to reach 300 posts so I can get a name change. That's my current goal here.
That's true. But sometimes people think they should get revenge on what has been done, etc, but that's just one example of the reasons why. I don't think that it does anyone any good. Balancing one wrong with another doesn't do anything.
Hey there smokey.
Good night everybody spamming, and all who inhabit it! I'll see you all in the morning. I'll end the night in flashing colors! Yeah, I know, the awesomeness and noobaliciousness of it all. Well, good night.
21739 I would've gotten Zexion, but he was fully booked.
21737 Just check out the new one.
Banned for being wrong, I was making a sig.
21735 I'm an animal person. And I made a sig especially for this occassion...
Banned for... OMG that was you!?!?!?!
21733 I don't like badgers unless they're honey badgers.
Banned for spying on me.
21731 <.< >.> yeah
Banned for being right about me mispronouncing your name earlier.
Banned for being in the Random Family like me.
21729 I feel so...underwear-less. But I'm still wearing some.