MARI?!?!?!?!?!?1/1/1/1+shift=! /+shift=?
O.o .
Kairi Namine, you do know that you don't have to use OOC and BIC outside of the Role Playing Arena...
ah yes... you are that person who posted here but dissapearedforalittlewhilecausingconfusionandchaosamongmanymembers
OOC means Out Of Character BIC means Back In Character why it's being used outside of the RPG section i haven't the slightest clue ugh... that's gotta suck...
why do you keep saying out of character when this obviously isn't a RP? O_o
school lasts 6 hours :3
...but YOU made the poll... O.o
did i mention you cannot physically harm someone through the internet? :3 also according to Fire Emblem: Sword > Axe
all cookie ingredients have also been poisoned :3
did i mention all cookies are made out of people?
any remaining cookies have been poisoned >.>
there are no longer any more cookies :3
*points to bottom* "this poll is closed"
i lol'd .
quoted because again applies and i felt like it... question me and i will quote you too... okay... man that line sucked...
dude... what the hell happened to you...
correction... OVER 9000% correction... OVER 9000/10
another one that fails to phase me.... well... i've seen it millions of times... so... DO NOT CORRECT ME :P
no i mean, whenever people see "HAVE A PAR-TAH!" they instanly say no for fun...