...that got me into trouble bud... but Dinesty, please at least go over what you are about to post before you post... or use the edit feature to fix spelling errors because... you make some big typos... not trying to be mean...
9001 i can see this turning into a forced meme in the near future...
i'm 20... so in internet years my age is approximately over 9000
"I am Kira" a catchphrase from Death Note :3 srlsy... ph33r m1 D347H N073 (lamely leetified for a raisin)
freeze the locks on the worlds :3
>> << Watashi wa Kira desu :3 32597
yes, it is... spam is a topic that can be barraged by posts in order to get your count up... and don't accuse other members who have been on longer than you of ruining fun... it's itty bitty baby bumps like these that make me feel like i missed a crapton of posts in an hour
tell you the truth... i have no idea any more...
let me ask this... ...how the hell do you people keep finding this thread? O_o
*looks at sig* desudesudesudesudesu... ect. 32587
reminds me of that Two Worlds commercial... "The Most Epic RPG of all Time" my neighbors heard me laughing...
enough reason to be happy
exactly... spellchecked for ya too ^-^
*hit's face with desk* it's Pepsi... dammit... Root beer's winning... ha HA!
*snap* it's Pepsup isn't it?
Root Beer > all... especailly Pipsa Popso... Pipsa... Popsé... Pepser... Propsi... Presti... Pupsi... Pipsal... Pickle...
i don't drink cola... give me a sec... Coca Cola > Pipsi... Popsi... Pepso... Peppy... Slippy... Falco... Fox... whatever...
oh lol i have like, a million words for them that will confuse the crap out of you
lawl .
a random member who noticed you haven't been on in... forever...