Aight all you kh fans. This is a Kingdom Hearts remix of all the kingdom hearts series but you're able to bring characters from other Square Enix games into this rp. xD World is KH based, so all the other FF people can be foreigners. If ya wanna sign up, just use this thing: Player: Character: Bio(opt): Weapons: Magic: Class(Ex: white mage): Appearance(link preferred): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character list: Player: Demyxu Character: Demyx Bio(opt): He's one of the girliest Organization characters yet, most likely next to Marluxia. Weapons: Sitar Magic: Waterish. Class(Ex: white mage): Organization character. Enough said. Appearance(link preferred): http://img.sheezyart.com/art/medium/75/757166_1.jpg Player: Kairi Character: Marluxia Bio(opt): The Grafeful Assasin a.k.a. The Dancing Flower Weapons: Pink shythe, tiny flower eyepatch. Magic: Flower Power Class(Ex: white mage): Organization member XI Appearance(link preferred): http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h281/Assassin_Nyne/Marlu-kun.jpg Player:XxAxelEightxX Character:Axel Bio(opt):Axel is part of the org. and is the 8th to join them. he is hated by others and only like roxas-maybe a little too much.... Weapons:red and silver chackrams Magic:Fire and stuff i geuss Class(Ex: white mage):Organization member VIII Appearance(link preferred): His best pose ^_^ >>> http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g81/red_dragon_07/4-1.jpg Player: Rikku Character: Rikku (ffx-2) Bio(opt): daughter of Cid, sister of Brother, and cousin of Yuna Weapons: daggers Magic: can steal things without being caught! mwahaha Class(Ex: white mage): Appearance(link preferred): RIKKU!! http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...2/tWE4TArY.jpg Player: crazy tifa Character: Yuffie (ffVII) Bio (opt): [i know nothing about her cuz i never played ff7] Weapons: katanas and throwing stars Skill (instead of magic): stealth Class: ninja Appearance: [haven't found a link yet but i will] Player: PrincessofHeart Character: Naminé Bio(opt): Kairi's "special" Nobody. A mysterious young girl, Naminé has the ability to change memories by rearranging them and creating new links between her, she is referred to as a witch. She seems to enjoy drawing, which is apparently how she manipulates memories. Weapons: None? Her mind/notebook to draw in Magic: Can change memories Class(Ex: white mage): Supposed "witch" Appearance(link preferred): http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...77541422_l.jpg Player: 2Foxxie4U Character: Sai'x Bio(opt): --- Weapons: A huge broadsword that can change to suit his need Magic: ... I think it's the monn... O.o Class(Ex: white mage): Organization member VII Appearance(link preferred): Sai'x player:Reku character:Vincent bio:unknown weapons:Three barrel gun able to shoot like a pistole, a machine gun, and a rifle magic:none class:gunman appearence:black hair, red cloak covering his mouth and nose, left robotic arm, armored legs, red eyes, black shirt. Player: Drunken Roxas Character:Roxas Bio(opt):- Weapons:Oathkeeper & Oblivion Magic:firaga Class(Ex: white mage):Org XIII, number XIII Appearance(link preferred):Roxas Added by Demyxu: (everyone should know what he looks like n.n) Player: Zexion of the Twilight Character: Zexion Bio(opt): Killed by Riku, Axel, and Riku Replica, he comes back to seek revenge on those who defeated him. Weapons: Scythe, Sword, Staff, Shield, etc. Magic: Alchemy, All Magic Class(Ex: white mage): Almighty Shapeshifter, Orginization Member VI Appearance(link preferred): >>Click Here!!!<< Player:Twilightsown Character:Sora Bio(opt): Weapons: Ultima Keyblade Magic: All Class(Ex: white mage): Keyblade Master Appearance(link preferred): Pic! player : vincent character:cloud bio: friends with tifa from ff7 wepon: big sword magic:none class: no clue apperance:cloud with blue jeans and black t-shrit that says die hard and black shoes Player: hahannuh Character: tifa Bio(opt): she's friends with cloud, joined avalanche Weapons: fists Magic: none Class(Ex: white mage): avalanche member Appearance(link preferred): http://www.ffcompendium.com/chara/7ac-tifa-3.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: 1) No godmod. Hate that stuff. 2) Don't go emo if something don't go your way. Deal with it. 3) Be as literate as you can please. 4) Fight as long as if it's alright with the other person. 5) No cursing, kthx.
Well howdy do guys. I'm new here, and I'm already interested in a lot of the stuff here. xD So, besides talking and rping, what else you guys do?
Hayner? :D