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  1. Demyxu
    Luxord eyed Marluxia in the corner of his eyes. "Hey....happy b-day." He smirked as he faceplanted the table on his cards, falling asleep right then and there. He was so fricken tired it wasn't even funny. He just thought he'd plop down right here. "This seems a good place to sleep...." he mumbled before going to sleep.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 13, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Demyxu
    Luxord would stretch after finishing his glass of orange juice. He stretched out before rinsing his glass out and putting it on a strainer. He'd walk out of the kitchen noticing the redhead walking in his direction...or more like the kitchen direction. He took a seat at a table and pulled out his cards, sighing as he began to play games with himself yet again. Head was placed in the palm of his hand, elbow resting agenst the table, flipping different cards as he played Solitate, although getting quickly bored with that game after he beat it over 30 times today...
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Demyxu
    "Ugh..." Luxord groaned as his hands rubbed his temples, trying to get himself to calm down and relax before going back to his room. He was thirsty at the moment, and he decided to go get a drink, so he headed out for the kitchen.

    Once he arrived at the kitchen, he'd notice that there'd be a mess from breakfast. Milk on the floor, cereal crumbs, frosted flakes.... "These people need to pick up after themselves..." he grumbled as he got out a washcloth from the sink and wiped up the milk. He picked up the crumbs and flakes in the washcloth and flap them into the trash can afterwards, rinsing the cloth off when done and folding it up neatly into a square.

    When he finally got the chance to get something to drink, he'd open up the fridge and pull out a carton of orange juice and grab himself a glass from the cabinet. Opening the box and pouring himself an almost full glass, he'd take a sip of the juice before putting the juice back into the fridge. He'd take his glass and walk around the kitchen with it, more like pacing and drinking at the same time.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Demyxu
    Luxord was about to fall asleep on his bed before he removed his hands from his eyes and saw a spider. He blinked a bit before he did a bit of a girly shriek(totally random) and fell off the edge of the bed. Apparently, he was afraid of spiders. He'd start flinging random objects at the spider, making a lot of random noises in his room for once in his life until he got up and took his boot off and thwacked the spider. He'd put his boot back on before going outside of his room, whispering ' scary...' to himself.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Demyxu
    Luxord nodded since Demyx seemed a bit happier. He walked over toward the door, bent down and picked up the die, shoved it in his pocket, and walked out the door. He walked next to Axel's room, hearing a bit of sobbing, but he knew he couldn't cheer Axel up. He barely made Demyx happier. He walked on by, going into his room and lying on his bed, merely plopping on it instead. His hands went over his eyes, groaning a bit for unknown reasons.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Demyxu
    Luxord wasn't into the 'lover' relationship yet, so he didn't know what to do in this situation to help either of them. A hand would go behind his head, scratching lightly before brushing his hair down with his hand afterwards. He'd maneuver his hand to the side of his beard/goatee, scratching lightly. A sweatdrop would appear on his face as he closed his eyes, giving a bit of an innocent look at the time since he couldn't help much except give a little moral support.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Demyxu
    Luxord nodded as he listened to Demyx, although he knew that he WOULDN'T be ok. His expression shown that he wouldn't. He walked over and led Demyx to sit on the bed, taking a seat by him if he agreed to go by the bed. He'd try his best to confort Demyx, only to try to sooth the both of them eventually. The die he was fidling between his fingers was at the door, looking at it then shrugging. 'I'll pick it up on my way out' he thought to himself.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Demyxu
    Luxord shook his head, planning on staying a bit longer anyway. The pleading eyes and puppydog pout were very common from Demyx, so he shrugged and walked over next to Demyx, arms still connected from the fact. "So gonna be ok?" He wasn't exactly the perfect 'cheer up' person.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Demyxu
    Demyx was still walking around in the city, sitar closely held to his chest. He heard a ruffle of rocks and he aimed his sitar and was about to summon one of his little water lackies, only to find out it was just a mouse shuffling agenst pebbles. 'Phew...' he thought to himself.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Demyxu
    Luxord was ok with Demyx over him. "I don't mind..." He wondered if he should stay here or go back to his room and mind his own business. But at the time, he just stood there, arms crossed behind his back. "You uh...want me to leave now?" He flinched a bit as he heard Marluxia yell. 'Dang does he have a loud voice.'
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Demyxu
    Go ahead and start rpin'! n.n
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Demyxu
    Luxord listened to the two of them talk....ish. He never had a situation like this, so he wasn't exactly the best person to ask this stuff. "Uh...Dem, I'm pretty much your worst choice to ask that question." He looked down to see Demyx sobbing into his chest, brows raising.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Demyxu
    Luxord was lost at this point, even so when he heard Axel over in the next room saying the same lines over and over and over until he heard him stop. Confused as he was, he looked over at Demyx before he almost fell back from Demyx's sudden contact. He blinked, wondering what he had missed. "Mind informing me what's going on?" All he heard was different things comming from both Axel and Demyx, and he was wanting to know what was going on even if it wasn't his business. He'd move his arms around Demyx to make him feel better and rub a hand up and down one of his shoulders.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Demyxu
    Luxord would happen to walk next to Demyx's room, only to hear him play his sitar horribly, which would be shocking for him. He knocked on Demyx's door and opened it a bit. "You gonna throw something at me or can I come in?" he asked lightly, peeking in a bit before just walking in without any response from Demyx. He noticed that he didn't look like he would normally. "What the.." was all he could say at this point.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Demyxu
    Luxord, having no connection with getting into others' conversations at the time, was sitting in his room on his bed, playing card games with himself. After he played approximately the 34th game with himself, he grabbed all his cards, shuffled them, and stuck them in his cloak pocket.

    Instead of playing another card game, he decided to pull out dice and twirl one of them inbetween his fingers with boredom. He'd get off the bed and open up his door, closing it afterwards, then walking around the castle hall he was currently in, only to listen to more of the commotion from around. He was curious, but he decided to stay to himself at the time, no matter how much he desired to understand others' problems just to make them worse.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Demyxu
    His hands went behind his back, looking at Axel, then to Vincent, then back to Axel, and continued, looking amused instead of wanting to try to 'stop' them. Personally, he thought it was funny.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 8, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Demyxu
    Demyx shrugged. "Usually they'd be bright and shiny, wouldn't they? Especially if it was a crown." He jogged over to Axel to examine it with him, blinking a bit, more in confusion instead of interest.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 8, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Demyxu
    (Sorry I'm not so active)

    Demyx was actually curious of whose it was. "Since when was there a keychain with a 'black' crown?" A hand went under his mouth, thinking a bit.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 8, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Demyxu
    Demyx turned quickly to face Vincent. "I'm not scared! And I can take care of myself! I've done good already!" He didn't like showing the truth, but he was hiding it and he was very good at doing that.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 8, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Demyxu
    Demyx's eyes rolled to the side, having Vincent in the corner of his eyes. "Easy quick-fingers. And we're still here because only to this point of view, it's deserted. For all we know, it's probably got people hiding or something." He seemed calm, but deep down he was panicing because he doesn't like being alone or with Vincent.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 8, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home