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  1. Demyxu
    "Least you can get into moments like that," was all the blonde would say before going silent, continuing to play the game. He'd place down a green two ontop of the pile.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 24, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Demyxu
    "I don't feel like it. I KNOW it." He'd have a frown on his face, blush now faded away. He'd put down a yellow 8, then shuffling through his cards again.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 24, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Demyxu
    Luxord would look to see if he had a blue or a five. He had no blues, shockingly. He went to the next best thing, a yellow five. He'd place that down and maneuver his cards to go in groups by color.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 24, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Demyxu
    " can..." He'd look down at the cards already there as well as the cards in his hand.

    OoC: I almost forgot how to play Uno o.o!
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 23, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Demyxu
    Luxord would blink before noticing the hand that was now on his leg, blushing a bit. "U-uh....Sure." He'd pull out a deck of Uno cards and shuffle, blushing still while he set out the cards on the bed for the two to play.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 23, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Demyxu
    Luxord would move his arms in the air, about to revoke at what he just said. "But I don't fe--wait, what did you just say?" He'd blink, trying to think of the words that he just said. 'I like you here'. He never heard of that, and he didn't expect it to come from Axel. He'd turn his head and look at Axel, brows raising.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 23, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Demyxu
    "I don't know...I just don't feel like I even....belong here." He'd sigh as he stood up and began to pace, one hand going over his mouth. He'd continue to think why he was even here now. "I'm no good to the Organization! I shouldn't even be here." Eyes would shift to look over at Axel, walking over to his bed and taking a seat next to him.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 23, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Demyxu
    Luxord would turn his head slightly, having a bit of a discouraged or saddened expression on his face. "Oh....hey...." His head would be leaning on his hand, continuing to place cards down before pushing the cards off of his desk. He'd put his arms on his desk, head burrowing into his arms. "Why am I even here?" he'd say softly enough for only Axel and himself to hear.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 23, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Demyxu
    Luxord, still being in his room, would sigh. Hands went over his forhead, having a bit of a headache from straining his anger too much. "Ugh." His hands went through his hair, now not even fixing it this time. He'd sit in the chair next to his desk, hands going on the side of his head before going through his hair once more. He'd fold his hands together and move his mouth to the edge of them, now begining to think like he was worthless from the start. He could never be depended on by his friends. He began to pull out cards and play with them, getting rid of his frustration by playing cards with himself once more.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 23, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Demyxu
    Demyx would do the girly 'flick' with his hair before turning around and walking into the deserted city. He'd cup his hands around his mouth and shout "Hello!" only to hear his echo.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 18, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Demyxu
    ((Aight you all are joined except for the Bond of Flames. There's already an Axel.))
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 18, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Demyxu
    The gambler decided to go to bed now since too much excitement took a lot of energy out of him. He walked up and down the hallway to his room, noticing the note. He tore it off the door, reading it. "DANG IT! I completely forgot about Lexaeus!" He faceplanted his head on the door. KERSLAM! He did it a few more times before he opened the door and shut it, kicking hid bed stool hard, furious with himself for forgetting Lexaeus.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 18, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Demyxu
    Luxord continued to shake his hand before looking over at Axel in the corner of his eye. "Dude, I haven't even been in a relationship like that. How the heck am I supposed to be Mr. Hookup?"
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 17, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Demyxu
    Luxord looked to where Xigbar had fled to, then looked over to the zoning out Axel. "Man, is it just me or is becomming less active now? This aint right..." He was a bit furious at Xigbar still. He walked over to the wall, eyes closed. He'd make a fist out of his hand and pound it agenst the wall. He'd remain motionless before he started flailing his hand. "Owowowowow. Bad idea, bad idea!!"

    OoC: Luxord has pretty much no point in the role, so I just make him do stupid stuff. ._o
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 17, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Demyxu
    ((Nuu. It's ok that you didn't use is phrase until now. It's better that way xD))

    Luxord would have an anger mark popping on his forhead. "STOP CALLING ME A PRINCESS!" he shouted, wanting to come over next to Xigbar and just throttle him. "One of these days karma is gonna kick you where the sun don't shine and it don't be very nice," he said to himself, pouting once again. This was one of the reasons why he disliked Xiggy. He always picked on what he wore. Luxord would shake his fist in Xigbar's direction, then sighing, walking away, having a complete emotion change.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 17, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Demyxu
    "Hun, the more ya think about it, the more it'll hurt the head." As he said some of the words, he'd do a little hand motion, like at the word 'head' he'd point to his own head. He'd close his eyes and give a bit of an embarrased laugh, sweatdrops appearing on his face. Before a bit, he'd swish around and turn his back to Axel, hunched over a bit. 'Come to think of it, I've never had a girlfriend/ I'm kinda jealous of everyone else since I'm like the virgin in the group. AAH! I'm starting to think of virginity now! What is WRONG with me?!' he thought to himself. When he was thinking the last line, he was kinda tugging on his own hair.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Demyxu
    Luxord would throw his arms in the air. "And I thought I was a blonde! He might, but you could tell it'll be a while before he tries. Didn't you see the blush on his face?! He looked beet red man! Yo Xiggy! Come back here!" he'd shout out, calling Xiggy to stop being afraid and just 'hang' with them and stuff.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Demyxu
    Luxord was watching the whole scene, cracking up again. This was pretty much the funniest dang thing he had seen in his life. His legs were kicking a bit before pounding on the ground. "My god you guys are gonna kill me." He'd get off the floor and take a big breath, before sighing. His face was red from laughing so much. "Looks like he's already getting a turnon." he'd say, trying to be stupid.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Demyxu
    Cid's head would be resting inside the palm of his hands, sighing as his eyes were closed. He was rubbing his temples, then standing up. He was currently in the newly built airship, walking around the cockpit. He'd be looking at a few different screens, talking to other Al Bhed members in their native language. "Yhodrehk fnuhk?" The other would shake his head to what Cid had said. He'd walk away, checking the rest of the monitors to see if everything was in check.

    OoC: Yes, I know the Al Bhed language. I studied it and can type it out. Translation: 'Anything wrong?'
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Demyxu
    Name: Cid
    Age: Mid 30s to mid 40s
    Gender: Male
    Looks: [​IMG] (couldn't find FFX-2 version)
    Ablilties: making/breaking machina.
    Weapon: Long spear and/or guns.
    Bio: Father of Rikku, he'd be a very well known Al Bhed. Leader of the Al Bhed as well, he lives in the place they call the Home(Al Bhed call it that). He's an uncle to Yuna, and he'd be friendly to anyone unless they make him mad or try to wreck his family or his home.
    Post by: Demyxu, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home