OOC:// My internet's been kinda on and off the past hour or so, sorry. x.x IC:// '...This isn't human, this is a monster...' "No... No, you're wrong." Elivir responded out loud, just hoping whoever it was couldn't hear her. She didn't even want to touch her food; instead, she looked around. Either she was early or very late, and the few orphans that were there were far in between. Had the Orphanage program done this to them? Maybe to her too... She hadn't been given a chance to converse with anyone in the... wait, how long had she been there? It's been at least four days... she thought.
Hello... Kira. >/
Elevir paused for a moment on the way out of her cell, hearing screams and begs inside her mind, from somewhere not far away. Her eyes changed slightly, more violet than grey. '...please! I won't try anymore! I'll be a good girl, I'm begging you!...' The voice terrified her to the point where she started shaking as she walked. Her pace quickened considerably, and when she reached the Orphanage cafeteria she was almost gasping for breath. Why did they have to take me here? What did I do wrong? I never hurt anyone... Her eyes closed tightly. Is this what it felt like when one wanted to cry?
Elevir lifted her head, almost unsteadily. Her eyes opened so she could see who had asked the question of her, not that she needed to. The commanding voice informed her that the voice was surely not of an Orphan. "I haven't," she replied simply.
OOC:// Errr, I feel that if I try to post, it'll be useless xD. Can someone find a way to help direct Elevir into the story?
OOC:// Who is he talking to? xD -feels stupid-
Her eyes half-closed, Elevir stared out. An arm reached out halfway, accompanied by a heavy step of a wighted boot, a pair of which the guards forced her to wear so she couldn't run away. As her fingertips touched the icy metal bars of her cell, she heard something. "We have to hurry..." A voice? A human voice? Her eyes widened. Her lips parted slightly to call to whoever it was, but she stopped herself. What if it were a guard? She'd just be causing herself even more pain... There's no way out of here. I'll rot and die before I'm even seventeen...
OOC:// May I please have a recap? Thanks in advance :3
Is it too late to join? Username: Near Character Name (Last, first): Riavfera, Elevir "Diary" Age:13 Appearance: (I might draw a pic later for you guys :3) 5'0, very fair-skinned. Oddly wide gray eyes that seem to change color frequently, but are often closed due to sensitivity to light. Naturally platinum blonde hair; however, it has been dyed several times and is now a deep, midnight-black that goes to her shoulder blades. She also has unnaturally long and sharp canine teeth; her father refused to let her refer to them as "fangs". Her ears are pointed and elf-like, though not quite as long as her father's. *Bio: Her mother died during childbirth, as with all of the orphanage children, but her father, who had a Winged Gift, hid her away before anyone could notice. She grew up in the thickly wooded areas surrounding her mother's hometown, where she honed her Reader skills with the many wild animals, and even learned to communicate with them. However, telepathy, even in it's simplest forms, is no easy task. One day, her and her father were attacked and her father killed. She awoke afterwards, in the Hell known as The Orphanage. Personality: She never worried much about anything, even though she knew there was a different life outside in the city. She thought that, even being so unnaturally different, she could find a family within the forest and spend her life there. She's been in a state of emotional and psychological shock since she was abducted, causing her to be the source of much abuse and ridicule from the guards and the more self-consciously insecure orphans. *Weapon [Appearance]: She's been able to keep a knife she used to survive in the forest. It is very special to her, her father carved the intricate designs on the wooden handle just for her. Gift: Advanced Reader Gift oh btw pancakespwnwafflez
Opening Credits: The Other Promise by Yoko Shimomura Waking Up: The Little Things Give You Away by Linkin Park First Day At School: That's What You Get by Paramore Falling In Love: Fully Alive by Flyleaf (Fitting o:) Fight Song: River Below by Billy Talent Breaking Up: Inside the Fire by Disturbed After getting drunk: Breakdown by Breaking Benjamin Prom: I Miss You by blink-182 At your speech after you become prom queen/king: It's a Wonderful World by SAWA Life's OK: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance Mental Breakdown: Out of Control by Hoobastank (Lol) Driving: Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park Flashback: Never Too Late by Three Days Grace (geez :/) Getting Back Together: Second Chance by Shinedown (lolol) Wedding: Tears Don't Fall(Acoustic) by Bullet For My Valentine Birth of Child: Nine in the Afternoon by Panic at the Disco Paying the Dues: Time to Dance by Panic at the Disco Your deepest secret: Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance Night Before War: Until the End by Breaking Benjamin Final Battle: Take it Out On Me by Bullet For My Valentine Moment of Triumph: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring (o_o) Death Scene: With You by Linkin Park Funeral Song: My December by Linkin Park End Credits: Life is Beautiful by SIXX:AM
inb4lock lololol
-sneaks in- Hai guise =D
That. is. so. awesome. Just make sure he doesn't sneak Ritalin in it <_>
You're just noticing this? o_o;
Iz been okay. You?
Why hello there.
Actually, I found that comment very agreeable. :x