Elevir looked up, her silvery eyes wide. Was Larz mistaken? This was one of the men that had killed her father... The sudden reminiscence made her flinch instantaneously, shutting her eyes tight and almost holding her head under her arms. "No. No! Nononononono..." She thought she'd found a friend... she should have known better than to rest on such false hopes. Her left hand forgot the other on top of her head and clenched the knife in her jacket pocket. Her eyes flashed a deep maroon brown, but they just seemed black in the darkness of the hall.
HAI GUISE CAPS NAO? and white text o:
OOC:// Dayum, I missed a lot. I don't want to create a time paradox or anything x.x. Should I just continue from where you guys left off and hope it's not too awkward? Or should I wait for Legion? xD
This site was best way back before premmies and the weird white and blue layout <_>. I may not be the oldest member, but I still remember that. QFT.
Wait, what? Sorry, I was too distracted by iFishy's awesome siggy.
"Larz, we need to go, the guards are coming." she spoke almost silently, only hoping that he understood.
'Damn it, they really need to keep better watch of that excuse for a Dinner Hall,' Elevir heard the frustrated voice in her head. A guard. Not far from where they were. She could tell from the clarity of the voice. He'd probably called more. "There's a guard coming... maybe more." she stated. She closed her eyes and held her knife in her sweater pocket, awaiting the guards. OOC:// Hey guys, I don't want to boss you around or anything, but I don't think it'd be as simple to kill a guard as some of you've been making it. Also, NeoJecht, you might want to add a little more detail to your posts so that mistakes like that don't happen as much. I misunderstood that as well until I read your last post xD.
WIN and the game
"You do?" Elevir replied. With her naturally wide eyes, her bright smile, and the way her head tilted ever-so-slightly more, she could almost pass for a Manic herself. That added to the chains used to weight the boots she was given upon entrance to the Orphanage, and there was almost nothing to contrast her from the one who could kill with only his presence. That is, at first glance. As she perceived more about the man in front of her, she noticed the contrasts between them, aside from the obvious physical differences. She was looking for the mental-- no, psychological differences that set them apart. The more she looked, though, the blurrier everything seemed to get. She forced herself to stop when her breathing and heart rate seemed to slow. Now she understood. She understood why the Manics were so dangerous. However, she liked Larz. He was as interesting to her as she was to him. I'll just have to be careful, she decided, still staring.
Does Near get to teleport away?
The bright spirits of the other Gifts around her brought Elevir's smile back to her face, something that hadn't been in days. She could hardly believe how... optimistic everyone looked, in contrast to the setting. Then she turned to Larz, tilting her head a little with the same curiosity. "What about me is interesting?" she inquired. OOC:// http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/8937/elevirtheorphanage.png
She stood up and looked down, almost as though in shame. "...I'm really sorry." OOC:// The pic can be downloaded from the attachment, but I'm uploading it to Imageshack too. Edit again o: : Dayum, it shrunk the pic. o_o To Imageshack I go.
Elevir turned towards the two people who had just arrived at the table. Their names were Rek, and... Larz? It was a bit fuzzy. Although she could make out his name, his mind was... almost blank. Was he a Manic Gift, the one that could make people go insane, like her father had told her about? "Hello, Re--" She caught herself just in time. "Eh, sorry. I'm Diary. What're your names?" She asked, with a gentle smile, and hoped that they couldn't she her canines. They might think she was a vampire or a freak or something. OOC:// I drew a sketch of Elevir. Anyone want me to scan it? Edit:Damn, late again. x.x
Haiii :] How're you?
Hello =3. How're you?
Elevir looked in Seth's direction. "I'm a Reader, too. My name's... Diary. What're your names?" Though she already knew their names, her father had told her it was polite to ask instead of telling them.
"Hi... I... It's so... eerie in here... " She said, looking around. "...Is it okay if I sit with you?"
Elevir got out of her seat and caught up to the only three there walking in a group. "Uhm... excuse me..." she spoke. EDIT: OOC://Geez, I feel so slow. xDDDD
OOC:// You guys are too fast. x.x