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  1. Near

    The girl made a weak, and unsuccessful attempt to get away. The man was too strong.
    Her vision was starting to blur as the manic came closer. She felt as though she were in a cage.
    "Stop it..." Elevir spoke, not even noticing that she could hear herself talk.
    "Stop it!" she yelled. The look in her now lavender eyes was no longer of fear, but anger.
    Post by: Near, May 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Near
    Elevir backed away, slowly and calmly.

    "Larz.... You're scaring me.... Please stop, Larz..."

    OOC:// What sort of ebil plot could you have going now? :/ -ponders-
    Post by: Near, May 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Near
    Elevir leaned back on her knees, sitting up with Larz. He seemed to laugh... Was it what she said?

    Suddenly, she noticed the difference in the man's gaze. It was still childish, but not in the same way. There wasn't the air of curiosity that was there before.

    "What's wrong... Larz?"
    Post by: Near, May 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Near
    Elevir looked concernedly towards the darts piercing her friend's skin.
    "... Are you going to pull those out?" she whispered in worried inquiry. They looked painful...
    Post by: Near, May 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Near
    Larz! Elevir thought, seeing his eyes flutter open curiously, like the Larz she knew. Larz is awake!
    After all the darts he took, she was afraid maybe he'd overdosed or something... it made her smile to see she was wrong.

    She crawled over to him. "Hi, Larz!" she whispered, afraid to speak with her hearing loss... and only after did she realize she wouldn't be able to hear his response.
    Post by: Near, May 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Near
    Elevir's eyes opened slightly. Everything was blurry. What happened?

    Why was everything so eerily silent? She'd never heard such a thing in her life. Like it was so silent, that the walls were screaming. Shortly after, she realized that her own ears were ringing.

    She felt the dart still in her back, but she was too sleepy to pull it out. It wasn't a peaceful kind of sleepy, either. It was just lethargic. The kind of drug-induced sleepy that could make her sleep through a fire alarm.

    Eyes barely open, she looked up at the person who had woken her. He was Rek, the guy from earlier... but she didn't remember him being a manic.... Why was his mind so blank? Where was this silence coming from?
    It took some effort, but she stretched her arm behind her and pulled the dart out of her back, throwing it in some direction away from Rek.

    Wait. Metal things are supposed to clatter when they hit the ground, aren't they? Of course they are. Why didn't she hear it?

    Now she realized why everything was so silent... she was deaf. Hopefully, it was just temporary, from the drug... she'd go insane without the voices she had heard since birth.

    With some effort, she sat up on her knees, slouching somewhat.
    'Thank you,' she mouthed towards Rek, but didn't use her voice.
    Post by: Near, May 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Near
    What? No! she thought, as she felt the dart pierce her skin. Damn it...

    The thoughts of the people around her were becoming muffled by the drug. Her own thoughts began to blur, and she fell to the ground as it took over and she lost consciousness.
    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Near
    "Do I really have a choice?" She asked aloud to herself. She'd probably get shot if she tried to resist, if not by the Director, there were plenty of guards around to do it for him. She put her knife away, and responded simply,
    "I'll come with you."
    While she spoke, she looked around at all the unconscious Gifts, wishing she had stopped the guards before so many were struck. She closed her eyes and waited for the Director to start moving.
    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Near

    "I already am suffering a fate worse than death," Elevir responded, "A fate worse than Hell, I'd imagine." She repositioned the knife so that she could stab right through the Director's wrist.
    "What more could he do to me? We all go mad eventually..."
    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Near
    "Then why," Elevir responded, "hasn't he killed any of us? He's only killed your pitiful guards. Never us. He kills out of fear, Director. Fear and misunderstanding, because he's lived in a cage all of his life."

    Her hand tightened around her knife. She was tired of this. He wasn't going to shoot her, but she couldn't end the damn argument because of the goddamn chains they'd forced on her. She couldn't run. She definitely couldn't fight.
    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Near
    Elevir looked over to Larz, unconscious next to her.
    "What of it? I know he has killed, I've heard your guards' fears of him."
    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Near
    Elevir looked down at the gun to her chest.
    "Yet you're cold enough to kill hundreds of us. Children even. And you're not? Maybe you should lock yourself up. Most of us never even did anything to deserve this."
    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Near
    "Do you?" She responded simply.
    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Near
    "I don't have any idea who let Larz go." she spat, bringing the knife to the man's wrist.
    She didn't have any intention of killing him, but she wouldn't have cared if she did. She left her morals in the forest with her dad's blood and her childhood.

    "You doomed him when you threw him in a cage to rot for all his life."
    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Near
    'That's it. No more prisoners,'

    That's what she heard before she fell against someone's cell door, as she was backhanded by the Director. She was tempted to throw her knife, but it was the only one she had. She couldn't risk losing it.

    She couldn't help wondering, though. Didn't he have a gun he could have been using? If he was that fed up with her...

    Dismissing her thoughts, she slashed the Director across his ankle, leaving a deep, and hopefully painful gash. She stood up as quickly as she could.
    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Near
    Elevir swiftly pulled her knife out of her pocket and batted the Director's pen away. Trying to wake up any of the other Gifts would be useless. The drug would last for hours. She was dead for sure...

    Still, she held her knife threateningly towards the small crowd in front of her. To think, she had only been here for days...

    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Near
    "No!" Elevir yelled, as Larz fell in front of her. She fell on her knees as he fell, lowering her head and covering her head with her arms. "No! Stop it! STOP IT!!"

    The guards were immobilized. She gasped, looking around at what she'd done. How did she do that? Lowering her arms, she stood up, and noticed the guards were regaining movement. There was no way she could run. She wouldn't be able to get the weights off her boots in time.
    Post by: Near, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Near
    OOC:// Hey guys, I'mma be gone for a little while, as in, half an hour to an hour.
    Post by: Near, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Near
    Elevir didn't smile or chuckle at Larz' actions like she would have if he were referring to any other person. She simply nodded.
    Struggling to keep her voice at the childish and gentle tone it usually was, she said, "I see, Larz."
    And she did, in more way than one. She could hear the voice and see the thoughts and memories zooming by in the manic's head now. His father had chained him up, with a straight jacket, blindfold and everything. The only communication was through a speaker in the wall. How was Larz still able to care about someone so cruel as to do that to their own son? How could he... forgive him for that?
    Post by: Near, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Near
    "Larz?" Elevir gasped, as she was embraced by the Manic. She couldn't tell what he meant... by 'This is good sound!' did that mean... he was happy?
    She herself was very frightened, but she returned the embrace shakily for a few seconds, despite the guards' presence.
    Afterward, though, she got a look at Kendrith. He was definitely the man who ordered her father's death. She tried to keep a straight face, but there was no way from stopping the hatred she felt for the man from showing. If looks could kill, Kendrith'd be dead from the look in her eyes alone.
    Post by: Near, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home