Go back to RvR =D
"Do I?" Elevir responded, "Well..." "You can't read from really far away, can you?" the girl asked.
Why thank you =D
=D Is that the song from Pikachu's Vacation? I get out next Thursdayyyy >w<
PLOT TWIST. not really <_>. See ya.
"That must be why they offered you a job," Elevir remarked, "But not me. I guess I'm too young."
"I really don't," she said. He must be really skilled, if he was able to read me, she thought. Unless he just believed me earlier...
Like I haven't heard that before... it's not like I really have a choice, she thought. "Okay, I'll go," she spoke, walking alongside the guard.
"So I heard," Elevir said. With her hands clasped politely behind her back, she looked an easy target. However, not an ounce of her guard was down.
'This is pointless,' the young girl heard, 'he's putting his son in the way of everything,' Almost as though on instinct, her head turned towards the location of the voice. He was far, she could tell. Quickly, she began to unstrap her boots, but realizing it wouldn't work, sliced through the cheap leather carefully with her knife. Once the chains were off, and she was once again in her bare feet, she took a step toward the voice. He was Ren, the Reader guard from before. She recognized that much. He was being "insubordinate" by disagreeing with the Director. However, she hesitated, looking back toward Larz. She could tell he was dying... "Sorry..." the girl whispered, before running off.
As the triangle slowed, Elevir regained focus. She saw the wound she had made to the manic's abdomen, and struggled to push away the rush of worry and guilt that came from the sight. Those wouldn't help the situation. Elevir tried to remember what her father did when she hurt herself, albeit minorly. This was much bigger. Would the same procedures still work? Larz was still wearing an undone straight jacket, although it was stained with blood.... She needed to get her knife back before they took it from her, but Larz would definitely bleed to death if she tried to just take it. Instead, she tore the hole in his jacket larger so she could take it off without pulling out the knife. Then, she ripped a large strip from the canvas, folding it up so that it was many layers thick. She ripped another longer one, and held them in the same hand. Hopefully it'd be enough for now.... As swiftly, but carefully as she could, she pulled the knife out with one hand, and covered the wound with the canvas. The triangle spun faster, and everything was out of focus for a second. Still, she managed to tie the longer strip around so that the makeshift bandage wouldn't come off. After wiping the blood off of her knife onto what remained of the manic's straight jacket, the girl stood in silence for a few seconds. She still couldn't hear any voices. Were they really that far away from anyone else?
Hai. =D lol white text
The girl stepped over to the manic, seemingly unaffected by his almost feral scream. "I'm sorry..." she spoke, albeit emptily. She could barely think anymore. It felt as if all the walls were closing in, and twice as fast after she had struck the man. She just wanted to get this over with. "Please, just let me do this. It'll stop the pain... I promise," Strangely or not, he seemed to be a bit confused(or something, she couldn't tell and quite frankly didn't care at the moment) about her words. This however, gave her whatever fraction of a chance she needed. She reached for his wrist, uncapping the syringe and cutting into the noticeable vein underneath, surprisingly gently for all the pressure she was under. She pushed the chemicals out of the syringe and pulled it out, waiting for the man to lose consciousness.
Damn it... Elevir thought, He's leaving me here to die... She wondered if she could stop a manic like she could the guards. If she couldn't... well, the Director's farewell better not have been directed only at her. Suddenly, she saw this more as a challenge than a fight to survive. Was it Larz' Gift? She didn't care. Her left hand, the one that wasn't holding the syringe, reached for her knife, which she was surprised to find was still there. How was she supposed to approach this? The design in Larz' eye only spun faster, she was running out of time. Perilously trying to block the voices; the insanity from entering her mind, while thinking how she could stop Larz before he ripped her apart, physically or mentally. It seemed impossible. In a blind rush, she threw her knife at the manic. Hopefully, it'd hit his shoulder or something. She stepped forward hesitantly, waiting for his reaction, and the opportune moment to use the syringe.
OOC://Do you mean syringe? xD An EpiPen is an emergency allergy medicine. And yes, Magick, a different room :3 IC:// Looking down, she realized that there was, in fact, a capped medical syringe in her boot. She reached down and picked it up, then looking in the manic's direction. "Director, I don't think I will be able to do this fast enough, with these chains weighing me down," She said. She was also simply very hesitant to inject the man, who she still considered a type of "friend", with God-knows-what. Not that she had ever believed in such a thing.
OOC:// All the Gifts aside from Larz and Elevir were drugged and locked in a room somewhere.
"I knew he was watching..." Elevir muttered under her breath. "I can see why he was locked up," she spoke aloud, so he could hear her, "but I still don't believe it was justified. If you really wanted to help him through all the years he's been imprisoned, you could.... It seems more like you're keeping him alive to punish him. Somewhere, though, through all the resentment, you just don't want to lose him, like your wife and daughter. You don't care what he has to live through, you just want him to live." Kind of like a kid who's caught a bug and won't let it go... she thought afterward.
Elevir yelped in pain as she was thrown back against the stone wall. She didn't understand why, suddenly, he was so different from the manic she knew. "Larz...." she spoke, "Tell me... why are you acting like this? What's wrong?" There were a lot of things wrong, she realized. For one, he'd been locked up all his life. By his father. Two, he was surrounded by miserable people, and miserable children, most of whom had known no parents. But those still didn't explain it. Had he simply snapped?