Elevir paused for a moment, remembering the harm the guards had caused to her... and her life. However, with a sickly feeling in her stomach, she gave a nod, and a half-hearted smile.
Haii! How're you? :]
Might there be toys here? B|
Minutes later, Legend still continued the song. "...In every loss, and every lie; in every truth that you denied... in each regret, and each goodbye, was a mistake too great to hide..." Famous stood by the door, waiting for the guards or whoever that Legend had predicted. He was sure to hurt them before they could hurt anyone else... hopefully.
OOC:// The songs Legend sings come from my iTunes xD. Anyone to guess any of them gets a cookie ::L: The first one should be easy. IC:// "Okay, I'll stay behind," Famous told them, "A lot of the other Orphans are still asleep... Maybe I can help them," He smiled gently. Smiling softly, Legend started humming a tune. Then she stepped closer to the other Gifts she was speaking to, using her arms to make sure she was in contact all of them, including Kaylee. "I remember black skies, and lightning all around me," she started. Time began to slow quickly. "I remembered each flash, as time began to blur.... "Like a stiling sign, that fate had finally found me...." At about that moment, time seemed to stop completely, but Legend was still singing.
"Well... Depends on how long the song is... Maybe, about twenty minutes, so that the effects wear off immediately after and we're not going at super-speed or something. You have about two minutes to decide.... Uhm, someone's coming." Legend explained. "Can I help any? I'm pretty fast," Famous inquiried.
The twins looked up at Aly and Scott. "You might not need a distraction..." Legend said. "I can freeze time... That would help, right?"
I... got this shirt about a month ago :/
"Fai..." Legend spoke, "I'm really glad you're here. But we don't have much time. You said that was a monitoring room, right?" "Mm-hmm. I know what you're thinking," he replied with a smirk. "Hmm..." the boy bent down and felt the floor with his hand. "The floor's concrete. I wouldn't be able to make a current through this." "But the ceiling," he said, looking up, "that's a completely different story. Let's see what I can do." "Wait a minute..." Legend told him, grabbing his hand and humming a quick, soft tune. Time around the twins stopped. "There you go," she said, smiling. Before anyone else could blink, the electricity was out in the interrogation room, and the monitoring room was in flames. Famous and Legend shared a silent high-five.
You know, maybe sometimes you don't have to be an ass to look cool ::L: I didn't ask for your specific input, but you gave it anyway. Thank, Styx =].
xDDDD fillerz
I'd be scared if someone with a teenage daughter was using this site.
"You're... encouraging me to use my gift? But you're a guard..." she said. Sorry, I can't help you, she responded to Rek. "...How did you become a guard, anyway?" she asked. Maybe she could, too... If she was really that skilled. Famous looked around, almost frightened in the presence of so many unconscious people... some looked almost... he didn't want to think the word. Locked in this huge room, he felt very vulnerable. What if they were just planning to kill everyone or something? He shook his head roughly, trying not to let his mind wander too far. Afterward, he heard a girl ask a question to what seemed to be the entire room. He stepped over to her. "Behind that wall... is probably some sort of monitoring office. I don't think I saw one on the way here..." he spoke. Legend's head snapped up, and her quiet song silenced. She knew that voice. The ragged blonde hair she saw across the room could only have belonged to one person. Gathering her scattered thoughts, she ran across the room(careful not to step on anyone along the way), and tapped the boy on his shoulder. "Fai," she called him, "You're alive?" The boy turned. "Wait... Legend? But they told me you were..." OOC:// Fai is pronounced "Fay", just so you know c:
Kairi isn't really worth hating. She's practically a Disney princess, and guess what? Most Disney princesses tend to be the damsel in distress.
Transformers dammit
Have you guys even paid attention to the way she writes? She writes about as well as your average 12 year-old. It makes me sick to read it x.x. I really wonder how in the world she got a B.D. in English. SRY THT WONT WERK REMEMBR R SUPR SPETIAL SHINEY VAMPIERS AR INVINCIBEL12411211!11ELEVEN!
Whoa, where do you live that allows that? o_o
Lol, man, boredom's not exactly that serious of a life problem to me ::L: Unfortunately, there are these things called child labor laws :/ I have heard of no such thing :B(: Yeah but seriously, I'm in Vegas; I'm prolly not going to be hanging out too much in 110 degree weather. I burn waay too easily xD
Tomorrow's the last day of school. I'll be volunteering at my new school, which is still being built, over the summer, but other than that and hanging out here wtf am I supposed to do? x.x