Elevir scratched the back of her head in silence, looking toward the ground. She'd really only done it because she had to... Suddenly she realized how vulnerable she was in her current situation. She was alone in a room with a guard and the Director, either of which could kill her at any moment... The feeling from earlier worsened.
Elevir tilted her head to one side ever-so-slightly, seeing the director freeze at the sight of her. A wisp of a smile appeared, but was gone just as fast. "Hello, Director,"
OOC:// Lol :lolface: IC:// Elevir stood by the doorway modestly. The same man that was threatening to kill her... and she'd held a knife to his wrist, threatening him back; the same person who killed her father, yet not his own son, who'd murdered dozens, albeit accidentally... she was to work for him. What a surprise....
Legend ran after the small bird, releasing some of the energy she had built up being locked up in her cell for so long. She looked back at the group, then to the bird down the staircase in front of her, and let out a brief, childlike giggle. It'd been so long since she was actually able to run like she supposed most children got to; most children weren't locked up in cells like she was, after all.
lol Meowness!
"Hey, are you two twins?" Legend asked, following the older girl. They sure looked alike... when Eva wasn't in her bird form, of course.
VGN I'm a day older than you ::L:
"Hear what?" Legend asked the two, looking around. It worried her; what if some other Melodic had found them? A guard, maybe?
Near approves :'D But seriously, those babies must have liked you a lot :<
"Sure," Famous agreed. He still wasn't going to let his guard down. Legend wouldn't have predicted it, he thought, unless it was something important....
Boo o: I thought I dropped you a visitor message before? B|
Hai! ::L: You haven't gotten any visitor messages in a long time :[
Old song is old... You know, it was really never funny in the first place .-.
OOC:// If Legend froze time around them, they wouldn't need to hide themselves xD. Everyone else is frozen in time around them. And try not to do much outside of the people frozen in time, otherwise there'll be a huge time paradox. Lol. Oh btw, Famous is a guy. IC:// "Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide.... Across this new divide... across this new divide..." Legend finished. "Hey... I would have told you earlier, but I could have created a time paradox or something if I interrupted the song.... Well, anyway, when I freeze time, I can do anything I want and no one can do anything about it. It's the same for you right now. No one can see us or hear us. You'll notice... it's kinda creepy at first, but everyone's almost like... a statue," the young girl explained, "but at least we won't have to worry about the guards." Famous laughed briefly. "Ah, it's too late to follow her. Maybe we can work together; Legend said there was someone coming." He paused to shoot a stray glance at the entrance. "You'd be surprised how destructive lightning can be." The sick feeling still present in her stomach, Elevir nodded, smiling softly.
"You think I wouldn't know that?" she hissed, angrily. Then, she paused for a moment, looking in a different direction. "Sorry," she finished.
"Everything else that's happened to me in the past week; I've been able to withstand that..." she spoke.
"I really think I could, if I was given the chance," she responded.
This is not a post. -runs off-