Rosa.... Oh yeah... :p That was fun. :D (This is Kisshu talking ;O) Konichiwa! : D
Oh, thank God. :p Actually, some people call me Ichigo, because I have "Mew Mew powers". ;O I shall kill the muskrats! ;) *Sutoro Bell Bell! XD*
I have more than 284. :S I also plan on downloading more songs soon... O_O
My favorite bands are Cascada (known for Everytime We Touch, Bad Boy, and Miracle) and Groove Coverage (known for Poison, 21st Century Digital Girl, Holy Virgin, 7 Years and 50 Days, and God is a Girl).
Konichiwa~! :D ...We're having muskrats for dinner?? O.o
Good morning all! ...I hate school.... X_X
I'm taking over... Tokyo! >8D *Sutoro Bell Bell! xD* Rawrz!!!!1!!123 >=D Right now I'm too lazy to look for the viddy I said I'd post... Okay, I guess I'll do it anyway. :S Ack! Kisshu!! Why?!??! TT_TT (Or should I say "Dren"?) EDIT: Byebye guys, I gotta go to Huddle. :P
I'm great! *~=^.^=~* Except I don't wanna go to Huddle later... :S Oh oh! Who wants to see a viddy showing how mentally challenged Mew Mew Power is? =D
You should be! >8D XD I'm also obsessed with Kisshu and Ichigo (from TMM)... @_@
Teehee... I'm a procrastinator too. ;O (This is Kisshu, btw) Why are you posting so many vids? O_o Because I can. ^o^
Moshi moshi! Welcome back! n_n I'm.... TOKYO MEW MEW CRAZY!!! 8D
Konichiwa~! :D Tee hee... I'm posting lots of viddys! 8D
Actually, I didn't make it, but I will when I get my own computer back~! ^^ I also love this one. :D Just thought I'd post this AMV. ^^ So what's up family? :S
Moshi moshi guys! *~=^.^=~* My mom finally bought me Vol. 1 of TMM manga, but I've already read it twice and I want the next one soooooo bad. X_X
You know you're obsessed with Tokyo Mew Mew when: You jump at the chance to talk about environmental issues/animals. You jump off of things and try to land on your feet, no matter how high. You are obsessed with strawberries. :3 You sometimes consider dying your hair pink. >_> <_< You memorized the themesong by heart. You drool when you look at the aliens. x3 You think you're gonna fuse with a cat when you feel an earthquake. Tee hee...
1) Newer Pokemon First off, it was good, but now it's just plain cheesey. -_-"' 2) English Sailor Moon They ruined a perfectly good show by making it "child friendly" when they attempted to translate it. X_X 3) Mew Mew Power (Here comes a long list ;O) Okay, well they made the original Tokyo Mew Mew look stupid. The people that should sound young and innocent sound old and obnoxious. They censored things that weren't innapropriate in the first place. They gave the characters names that didn't fit at all (Ichigo/Zoey, Minto/Corina, Retasu/Bridget, Purin/Kikki, Zakuro/Renee, Masaya/Mark, Ryou/Elliot, Kisshu/Dren, Taruto/Tarb....). They made Zakuro (Renee) turn from mysterious and wise into some.... valley girl! 4Kids turned the "ZaCross" (Zakuro's weapon) into the "Renee Stick"! They changed "For the future of Earth, I'll be of service!" into "Mew Mew (something I forgot :S), Mew Mew grace, Mew Mew power in your face!" They changed the perfectly good theme song "My Sweet Heart" to the incredibly cheesey "Team Up!" And worst of all of MMP, they made an awesome character, who was originally "agressive" and "strong" (and cute ;O), into... *shudder* Dren. I mean, Dren is nerd spelled backwards, and his voice is so nasal and annoying, and he became a complete nerd, and he has some of the cheesiest lines I've ever heard! DX EDIT: Here's a viddy with a few good examples of why MMP is mentally challenged. -.-
I'm gonna go eat dinner, I should've a long time ago. :p *Hopes she can get some strawberries that aren't internet strawberries... TT_TT* *To you guys and not me* You can probably tell she loves strawberries... :S
I wish I wasn't at home, but the city I live in (though it's supposed to be sooooooooooo awesome) is really, just.... boring. X_X