MEOW111111111111111111111111111111!1@#$%^&*() xDDD I'm in two conversations... can't think straight... can't think at all... O_O
D:! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!123 OH MY GOD WEDDING DRESS! :O Meow. :3 xD My computer's soooooooooo slow...
Okay, I'm turning Ichigo back. -.- Can you not turn me into a cat anymore? >.< Hee hee, fine.
Hey she's mine! D:< ...Meow...? D:?!?!?! Teh heh, she's such a cute kitty. :3
*Attempts to run away before Tidus tries to kidnap her again*
Hi B4C!!! :D Not much, Kisshu just kept turning me into a cat. Tee hee.... *kisses me again and turns me into a cat yet again* MEOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! D:?!?!?! I could do this all day. :p
^ XDDDDDDDD COOCOO FOR COCOA PUFFS!!! Hi kglory~! You guys still never told me... why is she banned?
ZOMG COCOA PUFF BIRD! D:! He should have some... Lucky Charms. :D ...Why...? Oo Because this Oreo-cereal ish mine! D:<
I had Oreo cereal! 8D Silly Kisshu, Oreo-cereal ish for Mew Mews! D:< O_0..... >.<! Fine.... *Gives him cereal*
Heh heh... D:< MEOOOOOOOOOW~!!!!!!!!! Teh heh, it's so simple yet so entertaining. *Kisses me again* :3 I mean... >< Why do you keep turning me into a cat?! Aww.... *Huggles me* =3 *Shakes head* ...He always does that... >.<
Konichiwa Darksmile~! *~=^.^=~* How are you? :) *Snickers* I wanna turn Ichigo into a cat again... ;3
D:< He's mine! >:O *Hugs him* Can't... breathe... X_X Can I have a pepsi? :3
Um... Ichigo still can't talk except for meowing... I'll be right back... *picks me up and kisses me* No-no! Don't you ever kidnap me again! D:<
(Flashback of 1 minute ago <3) Meow...? Oo ........MEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!! D: P.S. Ichigo says nice drawing. ;O
*Huggles Kisshu* *Later comes out of the closet as a cat* Um... uh... Sorry. :o
No-no's here! : D *Hugs* We're hiding from guests... or at leat me and Kisshu are. ;)
Heylo, I'm back from voice lessons~! ^-^ ...Why is she banned? What if I get banned?? T_T I hope not... ;S EDIT: Muskrat, guys~! *Hides in closet with Kisshu* Here we go again...
Well actually, it's a pic of Kisshu daydreaming. :S O_O DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *o* EDIT: It's okay Yuna. : ) Teh heh, you can call me Ichigo. ;) EDIT: Byebye guys, gotta go to voice lessons. :]
...Everytime this happens: Sadly. ;S Yeah, that was fun, especiallly when "Rosa" danced with Riku. :p
I don't have memory witch powers anymore, sadly. =( But there's somebody else in this family who does.... :p And now she turns into a cat everytime.... nevermind. xD Turning into a cat is fun, except when it happens randomly. -.-