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  1. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Wow guys, I put off doing my homework (all I got done was reading, and nothing else! X_X I actually do hope I get sick tomorrow...) and now I'm putting off going to bed. >.<
    Somebody join my new RPG, it's very lonely. ;-;
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 29, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  2. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I haven't RPG-ed in a while, so I just decided to start one. :S
    Okay, so it's an RPG about the Tokyo Mew Mew (join only if you know at least something about TMM and the character you're playing. >>), and it's an "ordinary" Saturday. The only non-ordinary thing is, the Mew Mews still have to work and still have powers, Keiichiro and Ryou still have to "run the cafe", the aliens are, well, aliens. :p
    Just join if you want to RPG as a Tokyo Mew Mew character and you at least know something about TMM. ;O
    1) Keep it PG, please.
    2) No God-Modding (which means that you can't get hurt or something)
    3) Please try your best not to spam, though your RPG character can do something crazy or silly though.
    And basically just use the common-sense you would use in any other RPG. ;)
    Ichigo (Zoey) ~ *~*~Namine~*~*
    Minto (Mint) (Corina) ~
    Retasu (Lettuce) (Bridget) ~
    Purin (Pudding) (Kiki) ~ AnimeGirl104
    Zakuro (Renee) ~ Larxene~Miss Antenne2~
    Keiichiro (Akasaka) (Wesley) ~ kingdomglory7
    Ryou (Shirogane) (Eliot) ~
    Masaya (Aoyama) (Mark) ~
    Kisshu (Kish, Kishu) (Dren) ~
    Taruto (Tarb) ~
    Pai (Sardon) ~
    Ares (New character; I let Chuck Norris do that ;]) ~ Chuck Norris
    Any others
    Have fun~! n_n
    EDIT: Okay, since right now we don't have enough people, some of us are also playing other characters until they're taken (not certain ones, just whichever ones we think should do something :S), and we're using text colors for them:

    Oh, and I encourage romances, dramatic moments, and funny moments, just so long as it fits the characters. ;)
    Thread by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 29, 2007, 77 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I'm sooooooooooooooo sorry I wasn't here!!!! : (
    I have a stupid forgetful mind... >.<
    Can I still throw flowers at people in this dress? :3
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    One of my birth-name:
    Suckish, I know. XD
    One of my nickname which fits me better:
    Tee hee...
  5. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    DANGIT~~!!!! I have been found~! D: *Throws Ryou at people*
    -.- You don't throw people at other people.....
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Or maybe she's standing right behind you about to throw Ryou at you. :3
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Let's see...
    I have to make a powerpoint, poster, written report, and oral presentation on the nervous system, and four parts of it have to be in Spanish. :S
    Oh, and I'm sorry I haven't made a sequel to the character themes yet, but I still haven't gotten my own computer yet! X-X
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  8. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Byebye B4C~! : )
    I'm sooooooooooooo bored. :S
    Oh, and I have a sort of field day tomorrow... and I have a really hard science project (that I just found out about today) due on monday! X_X
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  9. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Hi guys~! :D
    Wow... I missed a lot... O.o;;
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  10. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I gotta go to bed. :S
    I still can't figure out the avvie thing on deviantART yet...
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  11. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Mine's xXxMewIchigoChanxXx
    Oh, and why is it that the avatars have to be so small? :confused: None of the pics I use will work...
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  12. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Umm... guys...
    I just got a deviantART account, but...
    I don't know how people on there put stuff in their sigs, avs, or how they even edit their profile or upload art. :confused: Bleh, I need help....
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  13. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    This is how you type in color:
    [COLOR="pink"*]Take out the star. ;O[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="pink"]I'll be right back guys...[/COLOR]​
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  14. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    You guys type soooooooooooooooo fast... O.o
    Umm... I was gonna say something, but I- Oh wait~!!! DOUBLE MUSKRAT~~!!!!! D:!! *Grabs Kisshu and hides in closet*
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  15. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Yep, any character you wanna talk to. ;)
    Why did you eat something, but I didn't get anything?? ='(
    I'll cook you something. ^-^
    Who wants to watch me do a new trick?
    Um... Don't fall!
    I'm leaving.
    Heh heh...
    Crap, what the heck is going on?
    Umm.... O_o;;
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  16. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Ichigo. : )
    Wait... I don't talk to Ichigo (I ish teh Ichigo... ;O), I talk to Kisshu. :P
    And you can have someone to talk to if ya want. :)
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  17. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Hiya Lah! ^-^
    How are you? : )
    I'm very boredededed...... :p
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  18. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Shadow: Yeah, they're on YouTube, plus it's better quality, and they have all the episodes. :S
    Sutoro Bell Bell~!! *Attacks muskrats*
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  19. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    MUSKRATS!!!! For your evil actions, I'll make you pay!
    Here she goes again... :rolleyes:
    Mew Mew Strawberry~! Metamorpho-sis~! (XD)I shall fight the muskrats~! 8D
    EDIT: Yeah, they're on YouTube, and they're better quality, and there's all of the episodes. ;O
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  20. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Teh heh, I'm soo bored, I'm gonna pick text colors for the other TMM characters. :p
    Me (Ichigo)

    Minto (Mint)
    Retasu (Lettuce)
    Purin (Pudding)
    Taruto (Tart)
    Teh heh, I'm sooooooo bored. ;S
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families