B-B-Bu-But... ;-; *Puts away strawberry bell bell* ;______;
I are guuuuuuuuuuuud. ;D She had too much sugar... as usual. O_o;;;
I have an important message. =O Clicky clicky! Gah...Evil... O_o;; Tee hee, I'm very bored.
Oh... *Walks in* We would help you, but the aliens are mainly attacking here now, and we have to defend this planet. Sorry. But I do wish we could help you too! I'm sorry, but as Ryou said, they're attacking here a lot... *Is thinking* Hmm... I wonder if that "pre-teen" girl would be able to become a Mew Mew... I could inject her with the genes of another animal... so she could help out Ares and his planet.
I fear we have all become psychotic... O_o;;
I will say what I want to say to Lithium.. er... Gohan... using a picture. =O Err... I guess I'll prettend his name is Keiichiro right now. XD
So, what do you want to see us about? Wow, you must've crashed pretty hard when you landed...
*Whispering to Ichigo* I wonder where we're going... Okay, lead the way.
I guess you could say I'm the leader... but Keiichiro and Ryou are more of leaders, but they're not Mew Mews.
Heh, this is definetely a "Kodak moment". *Smiles* Oh... Okay.
Gomenastai, Akasaka-san! But the aliens are here... and, you know. *Stares at ground* Erm... Lettuce... Hmm? I've also kind of... liked... you... *Blushes* Oh boy, this should be interesting... *Hears question* Yeah, I'm Ichigo... why? OOC: I'm a hopeless romance sucker, I had to put a Pai x Retasu moment in there. ;O
Wait! *Everyone stares at him* ...Uh... Actually... I just want to spend time with my best friend Pudding! *Hugs Pudding* *Stops* Kawaii! That's so cute~!
That's it, I don't care if there are humans around, we have to get rid of these aliens! Mew Mew Strawberry~! Metamorpho-sis~!
*Stops Ichigo* K...Ki...Kisshu... *Cheeks turn red* *Thinks to herself: But... I love Masaya... I... I...* Why can't I just have a normal Saturday like everyone else?!?! EDIT: OOC: XD I had to put some overly-dramatic-drama in this somewhere~
The aliens are here... and so is this "pre-teen"... and some other guy in a ship is here~!
M-Meow? A mouse? *Is unable to control herself and chases* What is she doing?!?! OOC: Hey, AnimeGirl? Sorry, but I don't think Sora should be in this RPG... :p And can you also try to make it so that you mainly play as Pudding? Arigato~ :]
OOC: Okay, sure. I'm also probably adding a pic on the first page just for fun. ;] Another alien?!?!? *Realizes that she's still holding Kisshu's hand and backs away*
OOC: I still can't figure it out... ?.? *Grabs Ichigo's hand* *Blushes* Kisshu... I mean... L-Let go of me! *Cat ears and tail pop out* *Makes ":O" face*
Hey! What do you mean, "freakish pointy ears"?! *Snickers* Your ears are pretty pointy. I wouldn't be talking, bird-girl! *Hits self on the forehead* Why did he have to say that...?
A... customer...? Um.... *Whispers* If she finds out about the aliens and the Mew Aqua and stuff... this could be bad!