Search Results

  1. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I was bored enough to make a quiz and show it to you guys... so here it is:
    1) What’s your favorite color?
    a. Light Blue
    b. Light Green
    c. Pink
    d. Yellow
    e. Orange
    f. Purple
    g. Dark Green
    h. Dark Blue
    i. Red
    j. White
    2) If you were about to be killed, what would you do?
    a. Try my best to fight them.
    b. Panic!!
    c. Try to talk the person out of it- who knows, they might listen.
    d. Don’t worry too much- my friends might somehow get me out of this!
    e. Start to think “This is the end…â€
    f. Defend myself, obviously.
    g. Not sure- maybe I’d fight back, maybe I’d accept my fate…
    h. Let them kill me- it’s not as if anyone would care.
    i. Try to fight back, and hope that someone will come to help.
    j. I’m… not sure…
    3) What animal are you most like?
    a. A graceful bird.
    b. A laid back dolphin.
    c. A cute, small cat.
    d. An energetic monkey.
    e. A playful, small dog.
    f. A mysterious wolf.
    g. I’m not really much like any animal, though I like people who are cat-like.
    h. A serious shark.
    i. A strong tiger.
    j. A gentle sheep.
    4) Okay, last question (sorry if the quiz sucks XD) : How would you describe your personality?
    a. A little bit “snob†like, but still a good person.
    b. Shy and caring.
    c. Affectionate and emotional.
    d. Always full of energy!
    e. Sometimes cocky, but nice to my friends.
    f. Mysterious and independent.
    g. Sometimes possessive, but people consider me a “sweet personâ€.
    h. Serious and mature.
    i. Aloof, but I can be a great person.
    j. Gentle and well-mannered.

    Mostly A: Minto

    Mostly B: Retasu

    Mostly C: Ichigo

    Mostly D: Purin

    Mostly E: Taruto

    Mostly F: Zakuro

    Mostly G: Kisshu

    Mostly H: Pai

    Mostly I: Ryou

    Mostly J: Keiichiro

    Ehm... hope you enjoyed that. ^-^;;
    Thread by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    My iPod can't play viddys. ;_; If it could, it would have the few TMM episodes I have on there.
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  3. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    iP!!!!!! 8D *Glomps* We missed you~~!!! How were the streets...?
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  5. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I was bored enough to share that with you guys. XD
    I'm waiting for a ton of clips to import into WMM. >.>;;;
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    x_o This is gonna take forever, I have 38 eps, and it's still importing ep 11. X__________X
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  7. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I dare one of you guys to read the whole "Count to 1,000,000,000" thread. 8D
    XD I'm bored cos I'm waiting for my TMM eps to import on WMM. x_o
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  8. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I only have eps 1-37 and ep 52 of TMM. x_o I hope there's enough Kisshu x Ichigo scenes to go with Perfect Enemy by TATU...
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  9. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    Hey guys~! What's up? I finished my homework. =p
    I'm gonna start making an AMV for my friend, even though I don't think I have enough eps... oh well. ;S
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  10. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I wish Mia Ikumi would come out with more Tokyo Mew Mew that actually involved Kisshu and Ichigo as some of the main characters. (If ya didn't know, the main character in Tokyo Mew Mew a la Mode is Berrii.) ;___;
    Thread by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    This sounds like me after watching ep. 51 of TMM. :P
    [WARNING: I'm about to spoil some things in ep. 51 in TMM.]

    Kisshu: *Appears out of nowhere when Ichigo is about to be killed by Deep Blue* Let me kill her. Watch as I end this human's life.
    Deep Blue: You're asking for forgiveness?
    Kisshu: Yes. *Suddenly turns around and points weapon at Deep Blue* We were just here to defend our planet, but you seem to just want to take it for yourself! *Tries to fight him* *Is stabbed* I lost.
    Deep Blue: *Kicks him on the ground toward Ichigo*
    Ichigo: KISSHUUUUUU!!!!! *Picks up Kisshu and hugs him*
    Kisshu: *Is barely alive* I'm glad I was able to spend my last moments with you. (Ichigo remembers other times with Kisshu) Ichigo... I love you. *Tries to pick himself up and kiss her* *Collapses and dies right before he's about to kiss her*

    I cried sooooooooooo hard when I watched that. TT_TT But then I was happy when [SPOILERS] the Mew Aqua brought him back to life. =D
    ...Hope you enjoyed that random memory of TMM... :p
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    ...You're always putting off stuff like this. -.-
    B-But I don't wanna do my science. >.< Plus, I'm looking for more TMM eps so I can finally make a TMM AMV. ^-^;;
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  13. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    What's going on?? O_x I'm confuzzleded....
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  14. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I'm good. ^-^ But I have a project due tomorrow, and...
    Ichigo just started on it today. -.-
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  15. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I'm back from ze evul world of learning~~!! 8D
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  16. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    You know what bugs me about learning Chinese and Japanese though... is that there's two versions of Chinese (Mandarin and Catanese) and two kinds of alphabets for Japanese. X_X It's like learning two languages when trying to learn one!
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I have "Before You Know It" software on my computer, and I have software for Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese (I only know one word, "xie xie" (at least I think that's how it's spelled xD), but I want to learn Chinese.).
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I must see what happens next in my TMM manga. ;_____;
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    I want vol. 6 of my TMM manga and I want it NOW~! ;-;
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥
    xD I forgot to put that I speak English.... well it's obvious that I do. :p
    Post by: ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone