OOC: Well, Like i said on teh last page, I learn more things every second...Thankies! Xenmas saw the pub, strange and obscene thoughts enter his mind. " If only I had a heart... " He laughed queitly and followed Marluxia. He sat down and ordered a drink. He looked around, homeless people where in there, also the mad man from his Nice Nightmare...of Tea partys. Xenmas then coughed...He hated the Tea Party/Doll Nightmare.
Xenmas, walked slowly towards the building. His hood up. " I prefered the Castle... " He said deeply. He walked into a Old man, who, appently, dropped his food. " P-Pick it up young man! " The old man shouted. " No...You can pick it up. " Xenmas said calmly, in his creepy deep voice. The old man started to beat Xenmas with his cane...(XD) " Fool. " He said as he summoned his Red Beam swordie thingys that looked like lightsabers, he Cut the old man in two. He sighed. " Where are you Axel? " he asked himself, walking up to the building. ooc: Those red beam thingys look remarkibly like Lightsabers...
I Wanna See It Soooooooooo Badly!!!!!!!!!
Neato! But I'm sacred at the same time...Lol, Non-Exsistnate Balls.
Mine starts Last Friday
Wow, Meh, I learn more stuff every second. Thankies.
I see, and I'm laughing now..becuase my dog, tried to dive under a waterbed...LOL! But anyway...It was funny, but the joke wasn't at the same time.
De-Repped? Imma get Cin back...
Lol, I love my stupdity, becuase without it, I wouldn't be the Class Clown I am today...*Admires All Great Class Clowns* Perfect Dream. Lol. When I read that it wasn't true, I went to me PS2 and whopped Sephy 8 times in a row...Poor Sephy...
I beleived it Lol. I deleted all my Videos off Youtube and File Front...I was Parinoid. I'm an Idiot and a Crazy Boi
Can I be Xenmas?
I suppose that could also be considered...Hmmm.
Lol...Nice. I usally am called 'Random' Then 'Strange', then 'Wierd' and finally 'Mildly Disturbing'.
Cool. Being Called Random is fun.
I really don't know what to say now...
Interesting, with that new word I'm now as smart as a Dung Beetle...New Word...Hmmmmmmmmm.
Lol. I get called Random for so many reasons...partly for saying Weird things at the wrong time...
Lol, I used to get that, now I'm just 'Mildy Disturbing'. That and being called Random. Nice Avatar though.
How many times are you called Random a day? Me: To much to count...
I found out that there is an Reaction Command for him at the start! Did anyone else find this out?