I went to dinner once, but some insane person put a knife in my mouth and asked "Why so serious?"
Weird, my internet just went out for a while... O_o And its been going slow all day... -_-
I find that weird, too.
Heh, I actually bought The Sims 2 today. It was such a good game, and I had some money, so instead of pirating it, I actually bought it. >_> And it may possibly be because one expansion won't work if I use a pirated version >_> Just scribble all over the paper/tablet.
I'm officially insane. Yay. I can't stop laughing.
Yiff. YIFF. it iz kan be waterz gun rite
Yiff Yiff. *secretly pulls out gun*
My mom is incredibly stupid.
-_- Wow, my computer sucks now. Everything freezes if it goes to a screensaver...
Yay, I'm back. >_>
Or is it I who backs slowly away from the library?
*chops down tree with rubber chicken*
Don't ask questions, just hide, damnit!
...I may have just killed someone with a rubber chicken.
Yeah, it is cool. >_> Its weird to not have the internet, I think it was what actually kept me sane. Too bad I don't have it all the time anymore. Do you know where I can buy a knife?
I got another chance to post from a library. Yay.
...Not with a knife/dagger, but with Sephiroth's sword. :D
...I'd rather stab myself. >_>
...*stabs self in head* Sure, the town may be good, but, the people I know are horrible... e_e What day was the good skit, anyway?
*runs from the insane person* Did you go to the anime convention thing? Yes, it has been a while. It has been a whole... *counts on fingers*... THIS MANY! days. ..And no, I can't use google talk. It will get me banned from this damn library.