Which 2 songs?
It starts over again multiple times in different arcs. Each time, something slightly different happens.
Its hard to believe you because of your typing, at least it is for me. Also, how would you know the exact details? You obviously weren't there. If there was a witness, something would have been done to save her.
Really, I was the first to watch it, it said: Views: 0.
I was the first to view the original barack roll.
What, nobody killed that guy yet!
Hey, WTF... Who stole my coat?!
...There was no bag. I saw you rip off the toes and throw them across the river...
Who is joking? I saw what you were throwing in that river.
Like murder, right?
Is it still too big?
Is my new sig any good? It only took 5 minutes to make.
Hello everyon-- *turns around and walks away*
This is true. My jaw fell off once.
Its not Lupus. Its never Lupus.
...That was random. But not as random as the following sentence. ABLAGBLARGH
I tried to once, but I had knives in the same room as me.
Oops, that was your dog?
I once killed a rabbit named Skittles.
But I didn't like my serious face!