I call being the stalker who sleeps either under the bed or in the closet.
Oh no, a few words of truth and you leave? Just wait until the real world hits you in the face.
...I can only think of two words to say to you right now.
Good morning, everyone. ...Heh. I almost died today. I still don't know if I'm alright, I still have a chance of dieing.
*at the same time, starts to try to saw burnitup's arm off with a pushpin*
Lets have an argument and or fight!
I made a new sig. >_>
If you want my opinion, you should just lay down in front of a rocket.
Its furry friday.
Hello everyone.
... Goodbye.
Malachi 1:14 “For I am a great king,” says the LORD Almighty, and my name is to be feared among the nations.” That is only one time someone in the bible said it, there are many more.
It would be my main weapon. I can kill people with a onion. I have done it once before, even.
Hence the words "Or some other person like that."
Can I help kill Rika? I have a baseball bat, an onion and a knife. :D
No, Jesus or some other person like that said god should be feared. I forget who, and I'm not going to go through the whole bible again for one of your responses.
Yes, but if you believe in God and Jesus, you are supposed to follow the bible.
...The bible. Since you don't believe me, I'll search for the exact pages... ugh. Alright, for one: If you work on Sunday, you shall be put to death. Think about that how many people work on Sunday -- all the employees of Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, Home Depot, Linnens & things, grocery stores, convenience stores, power plants, airlines, hospitals, emergency services and on and on and on. Don't rabbis, priests and preachers work on Sunday? God wants all of them dead. Oh look, another group of people he wants DEAD. Shouldn't half the people in america be dead by now?