Be glad Jack Thompson is suspended from appearing in court for 14(I think) years for being unprofessional. He actually accidentally submitted gay porn as evidence once...
Because they burn better than wood, in my opinion.
Burn the furry! D:< Hello, Zero.
Hi everyone.
Just as planned. > : D
I forgot about only a few months ago.
Wait, they are saying DDR is satanic? XD
Only 5 seconds and already my eyes hurt. -_- I'm actually laughing at it. >_> Do you use "cheat codes"? No, they are not Christian No, I like to solve a game on my own Only if I can't get past a level Yes, but God knows I am a sinner and will forgive me ...Of course it won't make sense... (Note: I have not played these games since they are rated "M" and aren't allowed on the Fellowship U campus, so I am basing this mini-review on Secular media reports.) ...Ehhh?! referred to as "Spartans" -- the real Spartans were notorious homosexuals. Well, someone doesn't know history.
damnit! Not again
I'd like the link.
I know something like that, but don't feel like explaining it. Whats making you get so annoyed?
If you think this is bullying... Wait until the real world hits you.
Err... Wat
You forgot your towel!
Alright, answer the question.
Yes, he shall take a seat over there. So, why are you at this house, Pedobear?
yay im zero nao :D
Alright, then.
Ok, I'm really sorry.