No, he could have used a pistol. ...Wait, no, I'm sure he didn't use grenades. He used Claymores/C4s...
...Why would you be rolling your eyes, if you aren't dead?
Are you sure? I... shall show you... Maximum... CARNAGE.
What color do you bleed?
Insane?! Burnitup, I have a question for you.
Blood for the blood god. Skulls for the skill throne. Kill. Maim. Burn. Kill. Maim. Burn. Kill. Maim. Burn. Kill. Maim. Burn. Kill. Maim. Burn. Kill. Maim. Burn. Kill. Maim. Burn.
I think he also is dead... He died after finding whatever links Sai to that person's parent's murder.
...Isn't it Rika? >_>
Ouch... I feel sorry for you.
D: Internet Drama
Hey burnitup, do you know the name of that giant online encyclopedia?
Just as it is not planned! > : D : >
What pokemon would you want to be? >_>
I'm playing Pokemon Platinum in japanese, and I just thought of an idea - I'll name the pokemon after people in this thread. Only 5 letters are allowed, though. If anyone wants their name to be in my pokemon game, tell me which pokemon you want to be. >_>
It is difficult to play pokemon in Japanese.
Who is gonna make the next one?
row row fight the powah. >_> *runs*
Violence helped me bake a cake before. Oh yeah, would you like some cake? > : D ...Well, looks like the earth hasn't been destroyed.
Hi everyone.