Diana waited for the crowd to disperse before she walked over and bent down next to the man. Panthera was waiting a few feet away. " Excuse me sir, but I couldn't help over hearing what you had said. What was it that you were talking about? An angel with black wings?" Diana asked him in a very kind and sweet voice.
Lament heard Thorn comming but she didn't care, she had to make this if she wanted to be able to make the stronger truth syrum.
OOC: sorry i gtg now BIC: " Yes this one's perfect!" She said pulling out a giant pot and setting it on the stove. Then hundreds of potions apeared on the counter and on the floor around her and just about everywhere.
She ran inside and started rumaging through pots and pans trying to find the right one, and she made a lot of noise doing it.
Diana looked for the teleporter as Panthera watched the people walking by. OOC: Sorry I gtg soon.
Lament started mixing herbs and other of her potions trying to figure out a stronger truth syrum. Suddenly one of her potions backfired and caught of fire. " Oops." Lament said as she used another potion to stop it from burning and burning down the whole forest. " Ok I need a new potion book. " She said and headed to the tree house.
Panther looked back at Zane and growled, he'd heard what he'd said.
" Ok now how in the world am I supposed to make a stronger truth syrum than any of my other ones." Lament said to herself.
" Fine whatever." Diana said and started walking in the direction where he said for her to go.
" Thanks." Lament said.
" Because it's degrating and I don't like it." Diana said.
" Hmm somthing like a truth syrum but stronger, I've already tried a truth syrum on him once before but it didn't work. So I'll have to make up something." Lament said.
" Stop calling me blondy and stop calling him flea bag." Diana said.
" How am I going o do that?" Lament asked.
" If you think I'm leaving Diana in a place like this your CRAZY!!!" Panthera said even though only Diana could understand him. " Um I don't think that Panthera wants to go a different way than me." Diana said to Zane.
" I don't know what to do? I don't even know what really happened to him, or why." Lament said.
" I don't know. What do you plan on me doing? Lock him in a cage because he may or may not go crazy?" She said starting to lose her temper.
Diana and Panthera jumped down and followed.
Lament shook her head. " Erif said that it didn't happen very often. So it probably won't happen again soon." She said.
Diana looked at the city ahead.