" Well how big is the dragon? And what's up with you and water?" Diana asked.
" Well that's good, I think I'm taking the boat unless I can find some animal to be willing to take both me and Panthera over there and Zane here I guess is just going to say here forever." Diana said.
" Really?" Diana said to Cid.
" Thorn don't be so mean." Lament said to him.
" Because it's going to take a week to fix." Diana said.
" Fine then you can stay here forever. I'm getting on that boat and getting out of here." Diana said.
" That's where your wrong I also asked around and found out there's a boat to get us off this island and it's traveling north." She said still looking down at him.
Diana chuckled a little then walked over to him. " Hey I though we were supposed to try and find the teleporter not go to a bar and get kicked out." She said looking down at him.
Diana smiled. " It's no problem, thank you again." Diana said to him. " Ok no we have to go find everyone else and tell them the news." She said to Panthera and began to walk away to find them.
" Thank you, thank you so much. Here I want you to have this, it should get you back on your feet. It's for helping me." Diana said handing him a small sack of gold but it was still enough to help him.
" Well then I gues we're going to have to find another one, or just stick around. But thank you so much for your help. Is there anything that I can do for you?" Diana asked even though she knew exactly what she could do to thank him.
Lament used her new power and one by one they turned back into humans as the blue mist covered them.
" Yes I was wondering if you knew where the teleporter was around here, or if there even is one." Diana said.
Lament nodded. " I guess so." She said.
Diana shook her head. " No I do not know." Diana said.
She saw Thorn up ahead and ahead of him was all of the TLO's. She ran up to him. " Where do they keep coming from?" She asked.
" No he saved my life. Or I think that was him." Daina said.
OOC: lol BIC: Lament also heard the explosion outside and forgot all about what she was doing and ran outside.
" I don't think it's the end of the world but I do think I know the angel your talking about. I've met him once before." Diana said kindly.
Lament started mixing a whole bunch of potions at one time and there was a big " BOOM!!" And a whole bunch of smoke everywhere.