Panthera growled. " I'M PERFECTLY FINE PROTECTING DIANA MYSELF!!" He said. " Ugh Panthera stop yelling, only I can hear you anyway." Diana said to him.
" YES! I could have just taken the BOAT!" She said.
" So you led us into a cave with a LIVE BREATHING DRAGON!!!!!!????" Diana yelled.
OOC: kk but now I've got to go
OOC: Yeah I gtg soon too
Diana sneered at him.
" Let's see if he can dodge mist." Lament said as she sent the blue mist at him.
" Idiot." Diana muttered.
Diana looked inside the cave.
Diana glared over at him not really trusting him all of a sudden.
Diana looked at Cid. " What's that smile for?" She asked.
" If fights continue to break out we'll have to." Diana said.
Panthera started licking his leg, but once they all started walking he stood up and limped even though he was trying not to. Diana looked down at Panthera then up a Blade, " At the moment I really don't know." She said.
Lament, watched as Blade ran off. "Where's he going?" She asked.
Diana looked at Panthera's leg that was bleeding.
Diana let go of Panthera once he settled down.
" I'd like to see him try to eat me!!" Panthera said, but it actually came out as a growl.
Panthera stumbled back a little shaking his head. Just then Diana quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to hold him back. " Stop it right now!" She yelled.
Panthera flinched a little bit but then he clamped his teeth onto his arm that was clawing into his own. " Panthera! Stop!" Diana yelled.
Panthera's claws dug into him as he growled in his face. " Ok Panthera you got him back now get off." Diana said getting serious. " No way! I'm sick of this guy calling us names and insulting us!" He said to her.