" No problem, and I'm fine thank you." She said smiling.
" Oh yes it's deffinatly broken. Umm, here, " Diana reached down and ripped a strip off the bottom of her dress. Then she carfully made a makeshift sling for him. " There, just try not to move it too much." She said.
Laments eyes widened in horror and started running after Blade.
Lament watched them. " What's going on?" She asked herself.
" Here let me see it." Diana said.
Diana looked over at Blade. " Oh hey are you ok?" She asked running over to him.
" Good ridance." Diana muttered.
Diana ignored Zane and sat down next to Panthera.
" Diana I'm fine." Panthera said to her. " Ok ok, I'll leave you alone I'm sorry." She said. OOC: brb
Diana quickly got up and ran past Zane, kicking him inconspicuously as she past him and knelt down by Panthera who's leg was twisted very oddly. " Here try to get up." She said gently trying to help him get up and move to a more comfortable position.
Diana and Panthera also fell off and landed in the sand.
Diana ran up to Zane and punched him. " Cut it out!!! Your not making it go any faster!" She yelled in his ear.
" Diana!!" Panthera yelled. Diana pulled her hands back quickly, " What? What? Did I hurt you, I'm sorry." She said franticly. " No. It's just that dress costs a fortune and you just ripped it." He said. " Oh that's all, sheesh you scared me. It's just a dress, it can be replaced." She said as she continued to rap the cloth around his leg.
Panthera licked his hurt leg, trying to clean it. " Here let me see that leg." Diana said moving closer to him. She ripped off a strip of her dress and rapped it around his leg.
Diana smiled and helped Panthera climb up on the dragon, then got up on.
" Good job Blade." Diana said, not giving Zane any credit for killing the dragon.
" Yup." She said. " That's all you could come up with, ' I don't know?' " Panthera said to her. She glared at him.
Lament saw thorn go down on one knee. She wondered if maybe she should use one of her potions, but that would be hurting the TLO.
Diana looked down at Panthera, he looked up at her. " Don't tell him Diana." He said to her. " Oh um.... I really don't know, ever since I was little I've always been able to talk to animals." She lied.
Lament sent more mist at the TLO but it didn't seem to be working.