OOC: Thank you, I love zero rofl BIC: Quickly Ayanna swooped down and landed a little ways away from Jack.
OMG!! Thank you soooooooooooo much!!! I love it!!!!
Ayanna was flying over when she heard all the yelling. " Let's go check it out," Alec said. Ayanna nodded and headed down. Slowly circling where the noise had come from she tried to get a signal from one of the minds of the people to figure out what was going on, but she was too far up.
" Yes we will meet again." Ayanna said, spreading out her wings. Alec quickly jumped up to her shoulder and sat there with perfect balance as she lifted off and flew up.
May I have a sig? And it's ok if you can't do it, also take your time. :) Link to picture- http://media.photobucket.com/image/...i/Vampire Knight/6-03dd572a2f61e045.jpg?o=257 Size- ummm about the same size as your rikku one, i don't know the exact pixels Text (if any)- Still you do not answer Subtext (if any)- none Any effects in mind- nope Anything else- nope thanks sooo much also if for some reason that pic does't work then can you use this one instead? http://media.photobucket.com/image/vampire knight zero/Flitti/Vampire Knight/9534480.jpg?o=8 thanks again :)
" We'll see about that." She said and continued walking.
" Well in my case, guts had nothing to do with it, it was all stupidity." She said and started walking away, Alec bounding after her.
" I'm done with trouble." She said standing up and stretching out her wings.
" So then why aren't you afraid of me, I mean I am a fallen angel and I don't see any sort of weapon on you." Ayana said.
" No, you are here......why are you here?" Ayanna asked, she hated asking questions because she could usually just read the persons mind, but she couldn't read Li's.
" I don't care about the humans, and I'm not by myself." She said in a soft tone, slowly stroking Alec's head.
" Alec." Ayanna said very softly. That was all she needed to say for him to come right to her. She sat up and looked at Li, trying to read his mind, but it was kind of fuzzy, which was very unusual.
Ayanna opened her eyes and stared at the sky, but still didn't say a word. Alec slowly creeped in the grass, he didn't like people around Ayanna so he was ready to pounce if nessisary.
Ayanna continued to lay in the grass, she knew that Li was comming because she could see it in the future.
OOC: Hey guys I'm here for a little while and then for a little while tomarrow morning and tomarrow night lol so I guys I'll get my character in BIC: Ayanna layed in a field listening to the bugs and the birds and feeling the breeze in her hair.
OOC: yup I'm back lol sorry I left :(
Name: Ayanna Race: Fallen Angel Age: 200 Appearance: Personality: She's very very quiet and independant, she likes to do stuff by herself, but she is a kind person Natural Born Ability: She can read minds, see the future and control objects with her mind Relic: A small black cat named Alec Relics Ability: Can move incredibly fast and transform into much larger cat, also he can communicate with Ayanna, but only with Ayanna History: When she was an angel she got mixed up in a crime that got her banished, (more later) she's feels very guilty for doing it and feels that she would do anything to take it back. She saved Alec soon after her banishment, they became good friends, and now they never leave eachothers sides. Played by: kairigirl22 sorry it took so long ^_^
" Are you sure. I mean he didn't really mean to scare you." Ayami said. OOC: Sorry I gtg bye
" Are you ok?" Ayami asked.
Alec set him down and started to walk away. " Um... I'm really sorry about that, he's actually a really good guy once you get to know him." Ayami said to Koana.