For some reason...I think "The chamber of secrets" was my favorite...It had so many was a really, really good book!! :)
It's so cute and well drawn! Good job! hmmm...I think the legs need a bit more work (I'm not the perfect person to say you that since I suck at drawing legs..xD) Aside from that this draw is really good! ;)
Awwww...It doesn't sucks! It's great!! I really wished I knew how to make things like that...:)
*Posts* I want the cat now!! xD
Oh poor Xachmile and me...TT-TT xDDD O.O my god...What is Xiggy planning for his revenge? I really can't wait to see it! xD Poor Anniexo...xD This is really great sis!! I can't wait to see the next chapter! ;)
Welcome to KH-vids! I hope you have fun while you're here! Don't forget to read the rules and post a lot! ;) OH! And like Silver_Bullet said...Watch out for Grammar Nazis...
Balto...Oh such good memories...I really loved that of my favorites when I was still little...:)
...William Turner? :D I think Jack Sparrow is a lot funnier though...xD
Banned for having a cool sig xD
Banned for...for...*think think* for having Demyx in your sig...yeah...xD For allisonlove90: Banned for being on the Utada Family xD
Banned for being a seme *pouts* xD
Banned for being Famous o.O xDDDD
Banned for being my CUUUUTE Demyx x3 xDDD
Banned for having a cool avatar ;.; xD
Banned for saying my bunny ish evil ;-; xD
Banned for saying I make you sick ...I am a fangril...xD
Banned for being in a Pineapple under the sea xD
LOOOL xD I know Kadaj! xD I'm sorry I edited this a while back...xD Banned for saying that I don't know Kadaj
Banned for having Kadaj in your sig xD
Whoa! the second guy really looks like Riku! In my opinion I would say that the first one reminds me of Leon I think it's his expression and his hair... The last one has green eyes like and Red hair like Axel but his Hairstyle looks like sora! xD Man that's a fusion of those two!! And yeah...It looks like the same design! ;)