Yeah...that jellyfish...deserves to die...TT-TT *kicks jellyfish* I'm feeling better right now! :) LOOOL xD to say the thruth that jellyfish had the size of my head...xD Thank you! I'm feeling better already!:)'re right...I think it stung me...TT-TT
HI!!! my familly!!! :) How's everyone? ;) first I was just scared but after some hours my foot started to tingle... *hugs back* I'll be ok!!! xDD *hugs back* I will! My sis will cure the tingles...with bites...xDDD she always does that!! xD It was the first time I saw a jellyfish in reality!! xDD I'll be ok! thank you! :)
xDDD I'm ok! thank you for asking! :) really sucks...*cries* They'll go away least that's what I think!xD
OMG!!! that's really bad...and that's true we can hardly feel them! I just started to feel my foot to tingle some hours after the jellyfish stung me...
It really sucks...*cries* Thank ya for the cookie!:)
HIIIII!! *waves* How're you guys? I'm fine...aside from this... TT_TT
Today I went to the beach (again...xD) and when I was swimming I felt something brushing my left foot. At first I tought it was a seaweed (does this word even exist? xD) so I didn't looked but then that thing touched me looked like jelly...I looked down and I was like: "OMG!! A JELLYFISH! RUN, RUN AWAY!!" xD Now I have tingles...I think I got alergies...TT-TT xD
Thank you! :) And yeah! you can give it a critic if you want ;) After all...I want to improve!:)
Hiya guys!! 19337 thank you for fixing this thread Xaldin! :)
Oh...CtR is a god? Jesus christ! Holy potatoes!!! xD
LOOOOL xD They called you miss!! xD At least you got a soda... xD
You guys always ban me for that...xD Banned for being in a distinguished road xD
I dare!! *goes against carcrazydogboyx rolling* Hehehe... xD YAY!! I went to the beach today! It was about time! xD
It's really cool!! I love him!:luv: His hair is awsome!! ;)
Banned for being a professional demon slayer xD
HIIIIII!! How're you guys?!! lalalalalala...I'm happy and I don't know why...xD
I really can't wait to see them!! X3 ...Oh...the cute emoticon (X3) doesn't appear...xD ...oops...I'm not on msn! xD One more time this is really good...your writting skills are awsome! :)
You would? Thank you! Here is one of my works: Well...not half as good as yours but...I think it's good...;)