GOT OUT OF HIS CAGE...again...xD I don't really know how he manages to get out of it! I think he...pulls the door of the cage open BY HIMSELF and...just gets dad is trying to catch him again, my hall is full of feathers and I'm here...creating this thread...xD Oh! By the pet budgie name is...Sephiroth...xDDDDD
Ewwww...xD I guess it's too late now....xD
Whoohoo!! I joined Oathy's RP!! I'm a cookie eater...well...not yet...the message hasn't been seen yet...xD
Oathy, can I join Your Rp? "The cookie eaters"? :)
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL xDDD This one is funny!! And the draw is really good! ;) LOOK!! It's...XILORD!!! xD xD Xemnas looks confued and Schocked at the same time! xD This one is great! Good work buddy! :)
HI!!!! Welcome back Jordier0xs0x!!! :) To say the thruth...I think you didn't miss anything important ;) Everything is fine here!
ow...That must have hurt...and yeah...I heard your ankle cracking...:S I hope you're ok now! *hugs* :)
It's really good! And cute! I like the colours! And the heart in the middle is so adorable! :3 I think it's really good for a first sig! :) lol I'm not an expert on this subject first sig...sucked...and I say it again, It sucked...-___-' Once again...I really liked it! Keep up the good work sis! ;)
Awwww...a puppy!! *pets killedbyoathkeeper* xD
Hello again my familly! :)
LOOOL xD I just love to swim! But that day...I got out of the water and I didn't went there again!! xDD Thank you for the Ice cream! :) *hugs* LOOOOL xD now I'm curious...xD
...:p sorry my bad...xD It's just...when I see the word...BADGER I'm like: "THEY'RE BACK??!!! KILL THEM ALL!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!" xD
YAY!! *dances* Dreams are fabulous...but not nightmares (obvious xD) there's a nightmare I have really often...I can't explain how it's way too confusing...:S It's scary and confusing at the same time...well...I just know that when I wake up from that nightmare I have an headache, a fever, or I really end up's really weird... xDDDD sorry this took so long...It may be a bit late to write this....xD OMG!!! the badgers are back?!!! NOOOOOOOO!! xD
OMG!! A portuguese man'o war!! I'm so glad you're ok!! Those animals are really dangerous!!!
A dream! awwwww....*hugs* Speaking of dreams....xD I dreamed about you and TCO today...xD I don't even know how TCO is in reality but...he looked like Auron on my dream...we were all in my house...xD My god I have such strange dreams! xD
Hmmmm...Chocolate milk? xD Oh!! And Pepsi!! xD
Planet germany! whoohoo!! xDDD I came from Mars...xD
HEllo!!! 19790
I'm from mars....fear me...xD
OMFG!! 50 MEMBERS!!! LET'S PARTY!!!! *dances* xD