yeah!! And I've never fought anyone in my life!! just in my dreams...xD but it's true we get extra energy when it comes to our family! jesus I felt like a hero when I woke up...the guy I beat was so big and bulky...xDDDD tires me a i dreamt that someone wanted to harm my little sis and then I got mad at the guy and started to fight him...I won the fight...a thing that would never happen in reality...xD
Dreams huh? Well all I can say is that everytime I have dreams where I fight or something...I woke up like I haven't sleep the whole night...tired as hell...
Hi family!!! How's everyone? I'm fine as always! Just finished my lunch! :D
OMG!! you have fans! xD *watches*
O.O interesting conversation....xD what's going on? xDDD
A dance? OMG! that's really getting good! You guys are getting along really fast!:) maybe it's destiny? ...ok...I'll shut up...xD
Er...I think they were just joking with each other...xD Anyways's your 'date' if we can call it that...:)
I hope Xaldin is doing well with the girl:) LOOOOL xD he's back! what's happening? :D
O.O ...ew...xD Jesus! I never thought you could be like that, ghettoxemnas! I'm joking!!! xD
xDDDD LOOOOL men and their talk...xD
LOOOOOL xD OMG! that's what happened to him today! xDDDD
Lol When I'm just walking around on the worlds on KH2 and when enimies appear and I'm to lazy to fight, I just let Donald and Goofy take care of them...they can still gain experience for me...xD In Atlantica (also on KH2) when they're singing I just kept on letting them sing alone without touching any button...I just like to see their faces...xD hmmmm....more funny things...when I fought Riku on KH1 on Destiny Islands...I threw him off of the small island thingie we were in...xD Don't ask me how!! xD me PS2 froze afterwards! I think it was an error or something...I didn't know he could fall of that thing, into the water...xD
Whoa! Spectacular!!! I love them!! good job!!! :)
Don't worry, Goimez put ya as one! ;)
Hi there!! I hope you have fun in here! Don't forget t follow the rules and post a lot!! Respect the admins, mods and the other members and I'm sure you'll be a good one! ;)
Oh! I got it! :) You wanted to make her feel happy right? Well I think your company ti's the best present you can give her but...there are other things you can do for her...just try to ask her about the things she likes, maybe it will be easier that way:)
OH! Is it a romantic one? :) Just...curious...
So true...X3
It's ok Xaldin! Nervous huh? *singing* Love is in the air... xD