Jube is right! Just calm down everybody! Or else we're gonna have trouble...:(
MAN!! WHAT DID YOU SAID?? C'mon...don't be like that...:(
So do I...but let's just cheer up a little k? I'm sure DW wouldn't like to see us like this! now everyone, happy smilies! :D:D:D I can't help it...my hands are shivering...
Guys...C'mon!! Don't be so pessimist!!! DW will be fine!! I know it!! Listen...when My father was young he...got hit by a car...there was blood everywhere! he told me that though...the doctors feared he would never walk again...but now everything is fine and he can walk!! He's better than ever!! Now please, everyone think positive!! :)
You say you can get down enough? O.O that's weird...be sure to check your right analog stick...maybe it has some problem...Oh! one tip! that blizard switch was a bit hard for me to activate...so when you try to strike it with blizard be sure to wait for ALL of the things (XD) on the switch to turn into blue, but do not wait too long! XD
WHAT?!!! OMG!! Is he ok? I hope he'll get fine soon :(
Sowy CtR!!!! *hugs* Dun look k? :3 xD
Yeah!! And this! >D ok.....xD
Yeah no cookies!! And we'll send an army of badgers against him!! Mwahahaahha! xD
xDDD yeah!! sticks! NO NO!! Brooms!!! like I do!!! xDDDD
OMG!! SO MANY PEOPLE! ...Did you know any of them? Looking at their user names they looked like some...perverts...not all of them though...
Hi there Bunterx!!! Wait...Members got banned last night? WHO?!!!
Banned for having a dying Kadaj on your sig *ish sad for kadaj* xD
Awsome!! Really cool! Aww...that shirt is adorable! X3 I want it!! I really liked those ones! good job! :)
banned for joining in April 2007 ok...I'm banned too...T_T xD
I don't have a my space...but it's not because I don't like it! I don't have one because...I'm lazy...really lazy...
Banned for digging deeper just to throw it away xD
Banned for making your own sigs :3
You're so right CtR. :) Y'know...some time ago my sis was playing outside and some kid wanted to steal her bicicle. He was a bit older than my sis. I was cleaning my grandma's garden that day, so when I heard my sis crying for help I started to run in her direction, broom in hand (XD) and when I saw the kid trying to steal my sis bicicle I started to shout like a maniac, swinging the broom like a sword and then...I think the kid got scared and ran...xDDDD
If I was a male I would like my name to be Leon don't ask me why! I just like the name!! xDD If I had a chance to change my female name I would change it to Natasha...I like this name :D