Geez looking back on this and seeing that im the only Aussie is just sad =(
we really dont know anything so everyone is just guessing what they want with the evidence that has come out latley
its remembrance in the subbed kh2fm section
why has so many people said food for me o_O soras chain he had in kh1
a bear.... for.. some... unknow... reason
yes i meant maybe Axel doesnt have a next life and just for the recored im a guy, i happen to think fuujin is cool so i have an avatar of her <_<
YAY thanks to Dpwolf we ll get there one number faster 3953
car crash - cleavage
umm good job? i mean it iis a rather simple piece
^who the what? <is trying to keep this game alive Vkill this game
sorry to offened didnt meant it like that
itd be nice if nomuta makes another kingdom hearts game much like KHcom that would explain the origins of the keyblade, like a spin off title itd it nice if it was no psp
but he was also like Roxas: Axel... Axel: Let's meet again in the next life. Roxas: Yeah. I'll be waiting. Axel: Silly. Just because you have a next life...
im just going to stop trying now if you dont mind <_<
well how about the first theory i had after seeing the short master of the keyblades movie their all keyblades but 3 kinights traveled to different worlds defeating keyblade masters over time and took their keyblades and broke off the ring for the chains to go on as to seal the power of the keyblades this theory clearly doesnt workd but it was way before all that new information came out and if you want you can find it somewhere in and insanely mac forum or you can just google zekushino kingdom hearts
3948 beers on the wall 3948 beers, knock one down pass it around.... wait were going up
ok hows this idea their all keyblades but the more powerful keyblades have keychains and the ability to shape shift
LOL social life meh i live in Australia which is multicutured NOT THAT THATS A BAD THING!!!, it just means ive endded up in a school with wogs joing in groups and bashing people for the littlest things. I SWEAR THAT IM NOT BEING RACIST OR TRYING TO OFFEND ANYONE but its hard trying to get out and have fun with this idiots running around bashing people
lol his donald and goofy
but a keyblade without a chain is a keyblade no less. we dont know if the changing forms is the only thing the chain does but as far as im convinced thats all ive seen it do