is this even about the encyclopedia any more? maybe some detailed pictures of the symbols seen around the kh world, even though that will only use like 2 pages<_<
i really wanted someone to give me feedback on my theory =( i find it fun bring down other people theories with a different one, should make a game out of that
any one that read that other forum wouldve seen that i said final would blow that others away in a vote. any way i like valor form. its it's the weakers by far but i just love the swordplay used in this form and i dont care if you cant use magic.
problem there is its just a theory like everything else =( we need some answers
I dont think any religon has got it right, not that i belive in or hate religon( i do like that idea of something to belive in at pledge my faith to) but i idea of some greater being creating everything means that the existed first to make up which brings along whatmade them. the idea of the big bang is nice but it means that the chemicals and everything thing were around first to explode then evolved life, how does that work? a rock had to addapped to its new habbitat? but for that to work there was chemicals around to explode so what made that? personally i dont bother thinking about it, it just it <=3 but the thing about god is that you all think his your savior and if so why is he the one in the bible causing all the plagues that are killing people. to me the bible basiclly says belive in me or ill smite you and youll end up in a room with satin annoying you the rest of your eternal life and no. i belive humans are the ones ruining the world cause we build things to make this easier but tell me this are you prepared to throw away cars, plane, tv, microwaves, cups, computers, etc etc etc (i could go on forever i really could)
Ive been thinking and noticed that the ansem reports were written by Ansem(duh) and a few fakes by Xehanort but Ansem isnt all knowing so is it possible that the ansem reports are not 100% correct?
i think not know whats in zexions book is what makes it so cool =3 anyway how about a little history on the creation of the kingdom hearts game. of course is be had reading about your own creation >_>
FMA is also a square soft or enix thing so do you think well end up seeing characters from that? if so would we someday be getting anime characters with our kingdom hearts?
Id like Saion i think his names was from The Bouncer
clearly his bored and has a lame sence of humour
Ok I'll try to bring down your theory. For one; i think the conversation with Zexion and Xigbar had greater meaning, they mentions the great battles fought with those with the keys or something like that and a man with no memories appears. Okay i think that that man is Xehanort like many other people but i think his more connected with Baldy more then Af1. Reason for this is that Af1 seems to hate Xehanort (I'll explain this later) and i dont think he is part of Xehanort (as in his heartless, nobody or third being). Okay heres my part on Xehanort. I think that after the FinalMix secret movie our good friend Mickey defeats Baldy and as an attemt to preserve himself he somehow reborned himself as Xehanort and he his the man with no memories mentioned by Xigbar. So if my ideas are right then Af1 is not a part of Xehanort. Sunset horizen, I think this place is not Disney castle cause if it did it wouldn't go with my theory, I belive it is a world where Xehanort doesnt remember being as he was said to have shown up in R.G. with no memories so he may have used a corridoor of darkness to get there. And thats all i remeber of my theory <_< Ah yes and my theory on Mickey being there is that this takes place in the realm of darkness, so my theory on the time this goes on is that it takes place during Mickeys absence in thedark realm. And on "Aqua" if that is her name, she is being held captive by Xemnas cause she's been captured and sealed there in the Room of Sleep if theres where that clip took place. And my idea on the Starseeker is that Mickey since having a keyblade with a keychain also has the ability to chain its form too.
i knew i saw those once, YEAH IM NOT CRAZY >:)
does any one get this?
still dont get how its funny
phantom menace was the best for me i liked alot of actors in that one id i just the the original battle droids, revenge of the sith was just too much cgi
dont get it
actually sora is sky, riku is land, kairior kai (cant remeber whcih one) means ocean, and namine is ocean wave
ive had this discussion so many times with my mates and we always get nowhere <_<
Go Family Guy
Yeah What He Said