ok hows thing, IF god created the world in seven days, tell me this. WHO created god??? and IF there was a big bang then. WHAT blew up to make life?
i dont see anything wrong with a female leader. sure theyd run things different but you get the same effect by having a different man. people should leave discrimination behind them and just elect whoever is most cappable of doing the job well, even is the person may be black, female or even queer. i personaly dont mind any as long as things get done rigt. and if you just look you may notive that the current male leaders and making alot of stupid moves.
fighting seph in kh1 is great fun i relly enjoyed it. i beat him at like level 60 and its the fastest way to get to level 100. but in kh2 i tried him at level 64 and got owned but i beat him at level 87. but his alot easier in kh2 i think
this went alot further then i thought it would
wow that is nice
yeah the old stories were great. i rewatched beauty and the beast the other day and it still seems great but the newer stuff just seems lame
dont bother... RUN
i guess more then just 2s or 3d since different animators use different styles. its a have one know know how to answer
it must end at some point. if it is endless then theres no way earth is the only plant able to sastain life
OF COURSE seems like and interesing flavor
reguardless of pain theres alot of other things
i finished them all in oreder, kh1 - khcom - kh2. but yes i do prefer the kh1 combat system cause its less of a button masher
the only people i remeber talking about the scents is zexion and riku. in com zexion was usng rikus scent to track him as he travels through the castle. riku used it to find zexion to kill him
Zexion's weapon is mad. a book where you dont know whats in it, just leaves unlimited possiblitys. I i got 16 year old Riku
So i noticed a lot of people here on this site do a lot of things like fanfics. I was writing a novel thing and im knida stumped with character design so any help you can give me would be nice. Thanks in advance. =)
nothing wrong with private servers, the only thing is since its free, you get a lot of jerks, scabbers and kill stealers. but yeah i kinda got bored of ro a while back but starting again might not be so bad if it wasnt for the massive mounts of homework i get. maybe later on i will join you guys.
zexions was pretty sad and he is my favorite but axels death was more emothional for me
its their way of tracking eachother
i remember that. someone did it to me as a kid freaked me out big time but i reconized that level