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  1. xekushi


    I like to draw on my hand and im good at it. Atleast i think so. Just google deviant and xekushi if you want to look at some.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. xekushi
    Guess I'm one of few people who knew.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. xekushi
    I love both but seeing as I'm asian, im kinda surrounded with ninjas and samaris so i guess im kinda sick of them. So i vote pirates.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. xekushi
    A lot of people have a point in their lives where they no longer enjoy what they usually would. Guess you've grown pass RPGs.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 28, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  5. xekushi
    Zelda: Ocarina of Time, N64, 1997 B)
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  6. xekushi
    At this time it would be hard to picture any one else.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. xekushi
    i remeber as a kid in primary school they tought us using a video. it was a bunch of cartoons that like. basiclly and egg dancing with a sperm. and now that i look back on that i dont think they really tought us anything much. then had sex ed again in year 11 and that video was sooooo much better. telling what actually happeneds and how to keep safe instead of "the sperm makes is way to the egg and which ever is best will have a special dance with the egg" but yeah i dont have a problem.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  8. xekushi
    Well if a man can be a political leader, I dont see why a women can't.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. xekushi
    Pence: Oh no, they're gone! Our thumbs are gone!
    Hayner: All our thumbs, gone?!
    Olette: You can't say thumbs! Why not??
    Pence: But you do understand what I'm saying right? Our _____ are gone!
    Roxas: Stolen. And not just the thumbs, the word thumbs. They stole it too.
    Hayner: What kind of thief is that? Seifer could have never of pulled that off.
    Roxas: Yeah.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. xekushi
    Not making any generalzations but i did notice a lot of gamers in my area are depressed. Not just gamers too, I know a lot of depressed people.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. xekushi
    I belive its true. If you haven't noticed almost all of the worlds ice caps are gone and sea levels are slowly rising. You could blame the sun, but we started it i guess. We killed the Ozone and so more sun is getting through which warms the sea, which melts the ice contenets.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. xekushi
    Pence: Oh no, they're gone! Our Kingdom Hearts games are gone!
    Hayner: All our Kingdom Hearts games, gone?!
    Olette: You can't say Kingdom Hearts games! Why not??
    Pence: But you do understand what I'm saying right? Our Kingdom Hearts games are gone!
    Roxas: Stolen. And not just the Kingdom Hearts games, the word Kingdom Hearts games. They stole it too.
    Hayner: What kind of thief is that? Seifer could have never of pulled that off.
    Roxas: Yeah.
    Hayner: Alright, time for some recon!
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. xekushi
    didnt realise that was a choice and if it is i vote republican too. =)
    id much rather leave my goverment to a bunch of qualified people making votes untill they agree with each other. but then again, whos too say they wont vote for what seems to be the wrong thing?
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. xekushi
    yeah thats what i meant. guess i didnt phrase it well but i meant their of the same universe.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  15. xekushi
    I'm kinda sick of One Winged Angel cause its been playing everywhere. I like The Landing from ff8 and To Zanarkand from ffx
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  16. xekushi
    That seemed a little aggressive. Did i offened you, cause im sorry if i did. i just want to know what the percentages are.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  17. xekushi
    Reno was so cool, calm, serious and badass in ff7 but in Advent children his all doppy and strange. In ff7 he kills hundreds of people without hesitating did it with a smile on his face. But in Advent children his doppy and annoying and has a conscience or something that just seems lame. So did he hit his head?

    So heres the question, is he cooler in ff7 or in ff7ac?
    Thread by: xekushi, Apr 23, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. xekushi
    have you seen the theories about those two being the same world? good theory with lots of evidence.

    personally i thought ffx-2 was a piece of $#!+ with a horrid storyline and some really lame characters and events. i especially hate that kind shinra, but i loved ffx. it was very emotional, it had a noce geomical layout and the story was no where near as complex as ff7 but was still great and unique.

    ff7 on the other had a rather strange map geonomicly wise i love just about every part of the storyline. it also didnt have all the annoying characters as ffx and ffx-2 but i did have areith whom i hated quite alot for her annoying and troublesem actions all throughout ff7.

    in the eend id have to vote ffx cause it just seemed so great as i was a kid
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  19. xekushi
    you know, stress is a good source of creativity. i come up with some interesting stuff when im stressed, drawing wise.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  20. xekushi
    i would actually like to see a vote on this. just about all the gamers in know are athiests so id like to see some numbers to tell me what percentage there is here.
    Post by: xekushi, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion