We'll all be using solar pannels for our PS2 and be can only play during the day. :S Wait has any one heard of those hydro plants that use the impact from waves at the seaside to generate energy. It leaves no waste and consumes nothing. Only drawback i think is i dont know how far from the ocean that can suppliy evergy.
4970 Almost there XD.
I'm also Australian, but i rather not jump all over the place.
The heartless have hearts but their bodies seem to be made of darkness, nobodies on the other hand are the bodies but have no hearts.
thats a mouth full @_@
Oh, lol. That will teach me for not reading propperly <=3
oH those, then no. Anyway i play Monster Hunter on PSP and I'm a full on noob =3 sorry can't help you with anytrhing if thats what you wanted.
The item from Monster Hunter Freedom?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying any one religous is an idiot. I just find it hard to belive in an all powerful being when the only proof is the teachings of a book. But i love the ideals of most religons.
Games and indeed games, but what is are Gods when their is not faith, thats pretty much all they are as well, or atleast thats what i think.
I mean the other side. Liike bend your arm, the part thats now betwwen your bisept and forearm
Vains? No not that, i mean the other side of the elbow.
does any one know?
Whats the inside of your elbo called??? @_@
I tried going out with frieds a few times. We went to see Spiderman 3 and that seemed pretty emo. Reason that ive been sitting in a dark room is that my lights have crossed wires or something and their stuff, but i still have a lamp in my room but thats not very bright. I was in the middle of writing a story but i guess i can't be bothered with that anymore. I'll pick up where i left off when I feel like me again.
Never said i was worse off then them, but i do feel like crap. Just been sitting in my dark room for the last few days.
I'm feeling really depressed lately if anyones noticed my absence. Just don't feel up to doing anything.
Was a small time gamer then and never head of SE before and didnt know it was Disney. But saw the add on tv and was like that is so cool i must get it. Think it was seeing Sora killing Shadows with the Kingdom Key that pulled me on.
I have no sport skills at all =)
I dont think they need to bother with school anymore unless they want to of couse. But what is school for, education, Whats education for, job, what Soras job, keyblade master. And he seems to be getting plenty of money for that as he runs around slashing heartless and collecting the drops.