I hate that song.
I hate that song....I hate many things.
Oh, but who doesn't love meh.
I feel so much love on this thread.
I don't know what caek is persay but I don't know what chocolate cake is, so you can have that cake.
I was happy as hell to hear about this movie. But when I saw that Gambit is going to be in it I was sold. Lets hope it is better than X3.
I'm reading the Nerocscope series.
Whatcha gona do little bucka roo.
And me with out my negation spell card...tsk tsk of me.
Holy all that is pure.......@___@
But not as much as Dr.House hates everyone else.
No one that is why I phrased it like that...but if you must know what I was talking about I'm meant drop a house on her with Dr.House inside.
Someone call House.
Oh, that is not the point.
Yeah, it is pretty easy to act australian, heck I'll just ask the yellow spandex wolverine if I can borrow this spandex. Yes, success.
I wish I was Hugh Jackman in spandex....is that so much of a request.
Who confuses you with a dude? Oh, and for the recored I never thought you were a dude.
Ah, too much work. I rather dance and sleep. Not really in that order, but just go with it.
@_________@ so much conversation....
Yeah, but if I did that it would totally ruin my figure.