I would be insulted if I didn't find the sense of lack of information almost ammusing.
Yes, because I like to mess with peoples heads. As they actually try to figure out what the hell I'm talking about this time.
Nothing much just conteplating the mean of the word string.
Sure whatever you say G.
Inside joke.
End of my heartache and The Sorrow are pretty good.
ghey the end~
xD, Rob is gay. Funny
I've only read it through proxy. My best friend reads it and he really enjoys the series.
Will be mine, then your body will be MINE!
I am the eggman. I am the eggman. I am the walrus coocko cacho.
Slept So Long-Jay Gordon
But I have so many already.
No, they still love me....even if they don't know it yet.
Well if you put it in a stew it other vegetables then it would count....dammit still on this subject.
Not if boiled properly. Wait are we having a serious disscusion about how to make people happy with fruits and vegetables?
So do mushrooms.
No, they just prevent a calf cramp.
The flip part actually doesn't make it anymore effective than Sora's. If anything it just makes it harder to time right cause of the jump at the end.
But with those soothing lyrics of a dying era of slizzy rock, how else am I supposed to cope.