She vanishes without a trace...I'm glad I don't do that as well.
Don't fall in love???
I like the new 3 month family rule keeps things in check.
So much joining.
I'm going to give you the most legendary hug. Simply due to the fact you have never ask a hug before......that I can recall. Plus in the bro code article 56-9 states, "when depressed bro declares huggage the other bro must complie."
I don't have pets....or do I????
I want a slap off, so somebody bet me something.
Alright everyone I need you all to SUIT UP!
You would get a room full of LEGEND.......wait for it........DARY!
I know that, thats why I'm holding to a small hope that the final version is tougher.
It's fine if you enjoyed the RE4 control scheme. The melee attacks are completely brutal and just fun to watch. Online CO-OP is decent if you can fine a player how doesn't suck the ground they walk on, the only thing I thought was dissappointing was the Chainsaw boss in Shanty Town.....way too easy to beat with a cheap strategy of headshot with sniper rifle. Melee attack, run away, and rinse repeat.
Fine, just messing around on the RE5 demo.
Alright >.> probably for the best.
Whats with the Squall thing?
I solved the mysteries of the world.....and beyond.....
Shanty town is a pain in my arse.
Thank you I'll be here all week.
Thats what I live for usless opinions one-o-one.
Fun is just a concept for people to have an excuse for them to abtain the feeling of so called bliss.
That might explain most of peoples problems.