Sarcasm is not your forte I guess. To procasinate is to hold off something till the last minute. You just keep finding/making up excuses to not do it.
Smart money says TV tokyo is a channel about tokyo tv shows. To procrastinate is when you hold off on doin................*snore*
Even worse when you want to (hopefully) make a career out of
xD, that happens to me all the time in class.
Arghh, I feel the pain. Especially when you start something and you realize that you have a much better idea to work with instead.
I wish I could forget some of my projects that I start.....sigh...but I can't.
No, these are one of those you had to be there to understand how weird it really is, it's one thing for me to say but another to witness. Oh, I like your Sai drawings you have on youtube.
Yeah, I have some really weird friends. I've had a lot of weird things happen to me that would scar most people...lucky I'm not normal to begin with.
Unforturnately I've seen worse.......>.> I really need new friends.
*facepalm* I knew it was SOMETHING, thanks huggy bunny! *god i'm wierd >.>*
Eh, kinda of just not the same feeling when you aren't me just catching up some busy work. You really need to put a better light in there the one you have is terrible.
Don't tease me!
Like one of my dreams...yeah, makes ya think.
I feel soooo much love with some of the posts here xD.
but the world began to spin in the opposite axis because of it
and which they did
but lex luthor brought them back
but where actually frozen solid
the kingdom of the rather unsual and unexplained deaths.
but instead of lemon the dancer realized it is actually lime.