Oh, I'll be watching you sunny *fades into the shadows* Breakfast that is tangible?
WAIT hows hitting one kika >.>
Nice I was in your dream. Slowly my stalker ways are alourning you to my web.
That's what I tell myself everyday. Wait I was in one of your dreams?! I'm intergiued.
I was a talk show host and I was interviewing a new musical sensation. It was a talking cat. It was black with yellow eyes but the voice of Morgan Freeman. I don't know if the cat was hitting on me but it didn't matter cause I wanted a slice of old Morgan Freeman.
Did you know that hyenas are neither feline nor canine. I have a lot of weird dreams.
>.> that just sounds like one of my dreams.
I knew it :^( they are actually cougars.......hey wait....what?
Holy sweet monkey pies batman. That is like a house full of cats @____@
I thought you would appreciate that one xD.
Cause then I would get cared by hot japanese chicks....I don't know, I just wish I was cat. A klutzie cat?....name can be....hmmmm wow I don't have a witty joke for that yet.
No, just a cat. Nothing special.
I wish I was a cat.
Talk later! Wait I have to get going too.....damn social life *sigh*
>.> should have been able to guess that xD.
Yeah, thanks. You wouldn't believe the amount of times I've gotten mad over something that was just a misunderstand of the context of their speech.
I want to see it mostly because I'm a Neil Patrick Harris fan.
I'll give you that, it's hard sometimes to convey emotions over the internet.
The musical by Joss Wheaton and starring Neil Patrick Harris?
xD, I know what TV tokyo is, I was just trying to be difficult.